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car makes noise when turning

In normal conditions, your car should never make noise at all when moving. But as you know, your vehicle is made up of several moving parts.

Some of these internal parts move independently, while others move jointly. Regardless, your car should always run smoothly.

If you turn and your vehicle and it makes some funny noises, you should take immediate action. Your car may develop these noises because it involves a lot of moving parts when you turn the wheels. Sometimes a car making noise when you turn maybe as easy to solve as just lubricating it.

However, this is a temporary solution. Even though the sounds may temporarily disappear, you still need to take your car to an auto service shop.

Turning your car causes stress on most moving parts. Eventually, some parts will wear out. It may result in strange noises like groaning, screeching, whining, or a rubbing sound.

These signs are an early warning that your car is straining to control internal moving parts. The process of turning your vehicle needs a healthy pump, belt, and lots of power steering fluid.

How to Identify Different Causes by the Noises They Make

Your car makes unusual noises at different speeds.Each speed level points towards a different mechanical problem.

Making noise at low speeds when you turn

At very low speeds, any noise points towards the power steering and suspension. The sounds are often popping, or creaking.

Suspensions will wear out often because they shoulder the burden of carrying the weight of the vehicle. Your car’s suspension can endure impacts from road bumps and rough terrains.

Any damage to the joints will make components to scrap on the area that suspension joints connect. It must produce a sound. The sounds become annoying over time, and you will eventually tire of them.

Making noise at high speeds

While the car is at high-speed, noises points towards a broken CV joint, differentials, or bearings. There are two different sounds you should note.

  • Clicking or crunching
  • Humming like noise

A crunching noise shows that the problem is in the CV joints. If you have bad coupling, your car makes a commotion each time you make tight turns.

Humming noises point towards an issue with your wheels. When you take a turn, wheel bearings are the ones that carry the weight of the car as it shifts through corners.

You should never ignore this problem. It leads to uneven tire depletion and wobbly tires.

Car making noises at average speeds when you turn

Here the familiar sounds are squealing, screeching, and whining. These sounds point towards the power steering. Some parts may have been damaged.

It can be something minor like the power steering fluids getting low or just a loose belt. These are simple to fix. Or it can involve other power steering components that need auto expertise to solve. These components are

  • Tie rods that link the steering gear with the knuckles (attaching points of your wheels)
  • Hoses create a bridge between the gear and the pump.
  • A belt that mostly drives the pump to the engine.

All of these components contribute to successful steering. If one or all of them break, your car will make strange noises.

Reasons Behind the Noises

Struts and Shocks

Struts and Shocks

Your car has struts and shocks. These are structures that resist compression and absorb shock in your vehicle. They comprise of components like shocks and jounce bushings.

Together they give your car:

  • Stability
  • Absorb all impact from potholes, bumps, and rough terrains.
  • Respond to the driver’s command.

Struts have jounce bushings that help the car to make turns. They must always be lubricated because when they get dry, they make noises. You will hear groaning and creaking sounds. They will never reduce, but get worse if you never repair or change them.

Bad Tie Rods

Bad Tie Rods

Tie rods respond to the driver’s instructions. When you turn the steering wheel of your car, the tie rods move the wheels in that direction. Tie rods get old and wear out. As such, they always make a knocking sound when your car makes turns.

Bad Ball Joints

Bad Ball Joints

Ball joints assist when the vehicle is in motion. They also join steering knuckles to the suspensions. You must keep lubricating them every month. When they get dry, they become rough. The roughness makes them creak when you make turns.

Once they start to make these creaking sounds, they never stop. The nuisance will escalate. It is better to see your mechanic before they damage the entire suspension system.

Power Steering Fluid Leak

Power Steering Fluid Leak

Your car’s power steering system uses a special fluid to lubricate the steering box. It makes it have smooth motions. If this liquid leak, the system goes dry. Turning becomes difficult and makes creaking sounds.

Steering Column Gets Worn Out

Steering Column Gets Worn Out

During hot weather, some of the components of your engine expand. When they do, they overbear on other components.

The upper part of the steering column will expand. The cowling on the steering column will rub against the plastic behind the steering wheel.

It will make a rubbing sound. Over time it will wear out, and you will need to make replacements. Your auto repair person will quickly make these changes for you.

Clogged Steering Reservoir

Steering Reservoir

It is where the power steering fluid is stored. It has a filter inside that keeps the tank and the fluid clean. Eventually, the reservoir will get blocked, and fluid will not go through. It will make the steering make noise as you turn.

Steering is an integral part of driving. Everything must be functioning well to make accurate road decisions. So, it is always good to keep fluids that run your engine clean.

The Power Steering Rack Wears Out

Power Steering Rack

It makes a whining noise when you make turns. The sound is most frequent when the car runs at a slower speed. The whining sound may also come from a vane pump or a bad belt. It should be fixed immediately.

Poor Suspension Bushings

Bushings always wear out. These are not any different. When they do, they break down and crack. Every time you turn the wheel, they will still produce a creaking sound.

The suspension is an essential part of your car. When they get worn out, your vehicle is in trouble. Always check your suspensions when you hear a whining voice.

How to Stop the Noise Your Car Makes When You Turn

Preventative maintenance will always make your car keep performing at optimum levels. When you fail to prevent it, then you will repair it. The latter is very expensive.

Most parts you can fix yourself; some may need a professional to determine the exact components to replace. Because a car has so many moving parts, it can be challenging to know where or what is making the sound.

The best solution is to try and locate the noise. Take your car to the auto shop and have it checked. Explain the sounds to your mechanic so that they can make a quick diagnosis.

The mechanic will check both steering and suspension systems for faults. After they have made their assessments, they can recommend what needs fixing and what can wait.

Sometimes noises go away by just lubricating the parts making noises. However, it is replacing components that last. Some of these components are expensive, while others are affordable. The mechanic should advise.

Cheaper alternatives are good for short term solutions. But the cost can be high if you do it the wrong way. Always use manufacturer recommendations. When fixing or replacing broken parts, consider a professional if you have no expertise in the field.


Many noises come from the engine all the time. Sometimes it may even be more than one noise. Noises coming from the car cannot be a good sign. It could only mean something is getting damaged.

The engine and the suspensions system have hefty components. When these components turn forcibly without lubrication, the damage could be extensive. The solution to engine noises is making sure there is none.

You should always drive your car at all speed and keep a listening ear to capture noises and their origins. Sometimes when your vehicle is on a standstill, you can turn the wheels and listen.

If these sounds persist, they can lead to overwhelming costs for the owner. As a driver, to know if your car is excellent, you must take lengthy drives. Go to freeways and drive at a different speed to test balance and precision of brakes or steering wheel response.

Long drives can be tedious and turning the radio on seems like a good idea. It is. But occasionally, let silence reign and make the sound of your engine takeover. Good music is the silence coming from the engine and the sound of your car breaking the wind.

Keep servicing your car and replace vital components when they have finished their service dates. You should also replace dirty fluids and engine oils to keep moving parts lubricated.