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We all heard about the Black Siamese cat, but are they even real? Is there such a feline as a black Siamese cat? Cat lovers are all familiar with the breed of Siamese that is known for its pointed coat coloration.

Thanks to the genes of the Siamese cat, a black Siamese cat is actually a Seal point Siamese, but the hair, over time, lightens to a pale cream over their bodies.

Let’s see what we found out about the black Siamese cat so we can present it in the best way possible without you having any doubts or questions after reading it. 

Black Siamese Cat

black Siamese Cat

Genetics is complicated by itself, so imagine how complicated cat genetics is. Happily, the Siamese cat genetics is not that complicated when it comes to colors.

Each and every Siamese cat needs to have pointed coats in order to be Siamese, that’s why they are truly unique cat breeds. How is it possible that every Siamese has a pointed coat? That is thanks to a Himalayan gene, specific gene, or pointed gene, as some would say. This gene has an effect on the pigments at different temperatures. That is the reason Siamese cats have a form of albinism that happens at temperature changes. 

They’re hotter around the cat’s stomach, chest and torso. That means that the cat’s pigment won’t show up in these parts, which will make them cream-colored or white. But they are cooler around the limbs, face, tail, and ears, which means that the pigment expressed there makes their coat pointed. That is why Siamese cats are paler in their extremities and lighter around the core. It is all about the temperature.

Since the feline’s color is related to the temperature around the cat, it can differ over its lifespan. Siamese kittens are born totally like white cats since the temperature is high in the womb. Only after a few hours the temperature is different, and the feline becomes darker and darker around the extremities.

They also darken as they grow, but there won’t be such darkening of the fur, so we cannot see a clear difference in their fur. Since all Siamese have some form of albinism, it is impossible for a Siamese to be a black cat. It doesn’t matter if the cat gets the black gene since the Himalayan gene will take over and make the Siamese coat heat-sensitive.

Himalayan Gene

close shot of Siamese Cat's eyes

As we already mentioned, the Himalayan gene is responsible for pointed coats in Siamese cats, and people also call it the pointed gene. The Himalayan gene is heat sensitive and causes albinism in some parts. At higher temperatures, it doesn’t function, and it leaves a pale stomach, torso, and chest, while at lower temperatures, there are darker parts on the face, ears, and tails.

Siamese kittens are all born white due to the high temperature in the womb of the mother cats. After the Siamese kittens are born, their bodies are exposed to colder temperatures, and their coat color starts to show up.

Kitten’s extremities are colder than the core, so their points will develop while the hair that is exposed to higher temperatures will stay pale. That’s why it is challenging to say what color a Siamese kitten will be, and you need to wait if you want to know the color.

The thing is, a cat that is completely covered with black fur cannot be a pedigree Siamese cat but can be a variety of many oriental breeds. Since the Himalayan gene is recessive, all Siamese inherit two copies of the gene from their parents.

Is It Possible That A Black Cat Is Part Siamese?

Siamese cats are rememberable for their whitish coats that become paler on their tails, paws, and face. Many Siamese will become darker, even on their backs and other parts of their body, during aging. But what can we say about the black color in Siamese? Is there the slightest chance that the black cat is part Siamese?

Sure, a black cat can be of Siamese bloodline. That cat is called a seal-point Siamese cat, but most of the fur will be gray or white due to its unique way of coloring. A black cat might also be part Siamese if it was mixed and had kittens with other cat breeds that don’t possess recessive genes. However, that cat may have Siamese genes in the background, but a black cat cannot be Siamese as they need to have colored points in order to be considered a Siamese cat breed.

Part-Siamese black cats might be undiscovered if the black cat owners didn’t test their genetics. However, all of that seems to be a bit complicated.

What Is The Deal With Mixed Breeds?

When you combine a Siamese cat with another cat breed, you cannot know for sure what a kitten will look like. Some can be black, while others won’t be. Since it is a mixed breed, it will definitely have non-Siamese traits. A kitten that is mixed, cannot inherit only the traits of one parent therefore, it cannon inherit a black color; there is a high chance that the kitten won’t look like a Siamese kitten at all. 

If you breed a Siamese cat with an Oriental cat, there is a high chance that you will get a black cat looking like a Siamese. But that is possible if you breed two cat breeds that have black genes and have a predisposition for black coloring. The truth is, the Orientals are similar to Siamese, so if you wish to have a black cat, you should get a purebred Oriental cat.

Any Siamese mixed breed can inherit a pointed coat, so when mixing them, you can end up with a cat that is all colors except black. That is the uncertainty of mixing cat breeds.

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Which Are The Most Common Siamese Colors?

Siamese Cat posing in studio

Siamese cat colors that are accepted in the CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) are Blue, Chocolate, Seal, and Lilac. The four purebred Siamese cat colors are Blue Point, Chocolate Point, Seal Point, and Lilac Point. All of them have gorgeous blue eyes.

Blue-Point Siamese cats have white body hair with blue undertones and lighter fur on the chest and the stomach; their paw pads and nose leather are slate gray, while their points are deep blue.

Chocolate-Point Siamese cats have an ivory coat with no lighter shades on the chest or stomach, their paw pads, and nose leather are cinnamon pink, and their points are a warm milk chocolate color.

Seal-Point Siamese cats have pale cream to fawn coats with warm undertones, sometimes it is a bit lighter on their chests and stomachs, their points are black or very dark, and the nose leather and paw pads are the same color as the points.

Lilac-Point Siamese cats have icy white bodies without shades, their points are gray with a slight pink undertone, while the nose leather is a lavender-pink.

TICA (The International Cat Association) approves of any pointed colors, so if you are to follow their breed standard, you can have a Siamese cat with a particular tabby or ginger points. However, the cat’s coat needs to be paler on the body with darker spots. This leads us to the conclusion that, once again, a pure black Siamese cat is not a purebred cat. 

How Much Are Black Siamese Cats Worth?

We’ve established that there is no purebred black Siamese cat, so it is impossible for you to buy one. If you see advertisements that say a completely black Siamese cat, know that it is a scam since there is no way that a Siamese is a pure black cat.

However, if you want to buy a Seal Point Siamese, expect to pay around $400 to $1000. Since they are the most common, they’re usually the cheaper variety of Siamese cats. These felines are carriers of the black gene, so if you want a “black Siamese,” then this is your choice, even if they’re not purely black.

If you just want a pure black kitten, maybe you need to consider purchasing an Oriental cat, and their prices can go from $600 to $1000. The price is so similar, and you’ll get entirely black kitten if you choose an Oriental breed. 

5 Fascinating Facts About “Black Siamese Cats”

curled up Siamese Cat

Let’s see some fascinating facts about “black Siamese cats” that will help you understand their special coloring.

1. Black And Brown Siamese Cats Can Be Hard To Differentiate

As Seal Point Siamese cats are the most common Siamese variety, the special traits of their color can be hard to differentiate when the brown Siamese is also in the picture. That is because the brown and black colors in their coat colors can be really similar.

However, the problem occurs when you consider that coat colors in Siamese cats come gradually while they grow up, which makes a black cat to be brown for some period of time.

2. Black Seal Point Siamese Cats Are White Cats At Birth

Seal Point Siamese cats are born completely white due to a gene that makes their fur grow white because of the temperature; since the cat’s womb is warm, there is no way inside that the fur can be colored.

When they’re born, they’re still too warm to develop coat colors, but gradually, over time, their black fur will become visible on their tails, paws, and faces. If you’re lucky, the color will appear in other parts of their body as well.

3. Recessive Gene Is Responsible For Siamese Colors

What does it mean? Both parents need to have the Siamese gene in order for kittens to be born with Siamese colors and points. If the gene is absent in one of the parents, there is no way for a kitten to have that gene.

Since getting a Siamese color in the mixed breed is complicated, it has led to many irresponsible breeding acts for some time now. Gladly, Siamese breeders are devoted to correcting genetic issues and focused on preserving the health of the Siamese cat breed.

4. Black Seal Point Siamese Cats Has Albinism

Seal Point cats have albinism that places its origin in Siamese cats. That doesn’t mean that the cats are entirely albino, but, more interestingly, the albino gene in Siamese cats causes the hair follicles to respond to heat. That’s why warm temperatures will produce white fur, no matter the color of other genes.

In cooler areas of the bodies, Siamese cats develop lighter colors due to the bleaching of the hair follicles. However, as the cat grows and time passes, the body temperature slightly goes down, and the fur appears darker and darker.

5. Seal Point Colored Cats Have Given Coloring To Other Cat Breeds

Seal Point Siamese or black Siamese cats are responsible for other colorings in cat breeds. The white bodies with black tails, paws, and face and seal point color can be seen in many different cat breeds today.

But that doesn’t mean that every cat with a seal-point coloring is a part Siamese. The reason behind this is that seal-point coloring has spread to many different cat breeds. Simple as that.

Are Black Siamese Cats Rare?

Siamese Cat looking at camera

Black Siamese cats, even though they sound really rare, in fact, are not. Why is that? It’s because the black coloring or, Seal point coloring, is actually the most usual coloring of the Siamese cats that have Siamese albinism.

But, they do need special breeding practices due to their recessive gene that both parents need to have. Siamese cats are popular, and you can find a couple of litters a year with plenty of breeders in your area.

Due to the recovery of inbreeding, you might pay a bit more for your desired black Siamese cat. But that is not because of the color but because of the breed of Siamese. If you wish for a rare Siamese cat, then you should look at the red and blue-pointed Siamese since they are much rarer.

Are All Black Cats Part Siamese?

No, there is no saying that all black cats are part Siamese. However, black cats can be part Siamese cats due to their special Siamese recessive coloring, but not all are of the Siamese cat breed. Black coloring is pretty standard in cats; however, seal-point coloring is rarer, and it means that there is a Siamese gene in there.

Nonetheless, even cat breeds that spot the seal points are not considered to be Siamese. The reason behind that is that cat breeds can have seal markings without having Siamese genes and backgrounds.  For example, ragdoll cats are also a cat breed that can have seal markings on their long coat. 

Ragdoll cats are totally different than Siamese, heavier, smaller, and have different body shapes and coat types. All of that mentioned above can show us that it has been a long time since these cats were separated from the Siamese cat breed, even though they share the same seal point coloring.

That leads us to the conclusion that even though your cat is part Siamese, that doesn’t signify that every black cat is. The genetic test is the best way for you to find out which cat breed is your cat, and it will show you the breed’s descendants.

Why Is My Siamese Cat So Black?

Genetic codes on the X chromosome are responsible for your cat’s black coloring. But, their coloring won’t show right after birth since they have some form of Albinism which creates specific white bodies and darker points.

Siamese cats will appear darker and more black during aging due to their body temperature becoming cooler.

Your completely black Siamese cat must have had one parent that avoided the recessive gene for albinism. This leads us to the fact that a Siamese cat that is fully black is a part-Siamese which means you actually own a mixed breed. That doesn’t change the fact that mixed breeds cannot act like Siamese and represent a valuable member of the cat breed.

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Wrapping It Up

black oriental cat

The entirely black Siamese cat isn’t a real thing. Their special genes that cause the colors in their coats are reactive to heat, so a pointed coat will always be present. That is something that is unique only for the Siamese cat breed. If they don’t have a coat reactive to heat, they are not considered to be Siamese cats.

Not one breed standard accepts solid colors, and that includes black. There is no way that you can breed a black Siamese without mixing it with other cat breeds. Genetics becomes complicated when the mixing of the breeds comes up.

You can find a Siamese look likes that will be entirely black, and that is a black Oriental cat. It is very similar to the Siamese cat breed, but it can be completely black.

If you are to purchase a Seal Point Siamese cat, know that these cats tend to be more vocal and have a distinct sounding meow from other cat breeds.

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