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Hello cat lover! I believe taking care of your cat is your top priority, and that’s how it should be. When it comes to grooming, the one thing your cat cannot do by itself is nail care. This can be one thing that troubles cat owners, right?

If the nails are too long and too sharp, they can harm other pets and furniture. That’s why someone had the idea to invent cat nail caps. We are here to provide you with cat nail caps pros and cons if you’re wondering how to deal with claws and scratching behavior without declawing your cat.

Nail caps are a safe and effective way to avoid declawing. However, keep in mind that you’ll need to maintain them regularly since they can be in the way of your cat’s ability to function correctly. But they are a great solution, and they work for the majority of cats.

However, as with any other product, there are advantages and disadvantages to using it, so you better take a good look before deciding how to end the cat scratching.
Now, let’s take a deep overview of cat nail caps pros and cons!

Cat Nail Caps – Pros

cat sitting with nail caps

Before you decide to buy cat nail caps, you need to know what those are. They are tiny plastic caps that you glue to the cat’s nail bed.

They may sound rough, but they are soft, rounded, firm, totally non-toxic, and easy to put on. Cat nail caps are more and more popular among pet parents because of these pros.

1. Nail Caps On – Accidental Scratches And Injuries OFF

Nail caps will stop your cat from causing scratches and injuries. If your cat has problems with claw control and aggression, or if she needs supervision with small children or strangers, this is the solution since the caps will prevent scratches, keeping you and your guests.

2. Nail Caps Will Prevent Damage To Your Furniture

Nail caps are an excellent solution for cat clawing leather, curtains, carpeting, fabric, or anything else around your house. Even though nail caps on your cat’s claws won’t stop her from trying to scratch, at least your things will be damage free.

3. Nail Caps Are Not Expensive At All

Every cat owner can afford nail caps since they are not expensive. If you learn to apply them alone without any help, the better. A few sets of nail caps will save you money since you won’t go to professional nail trimming sessions.

4. There Is No Risk Of Infection If Applied Well

If you follow the instructions and apply nail caps the right way, you won’t harm your cat’s nails, and there won’t be the risk of infection, on the other hand, with the declawing process, there is a high risk of infection.

It is essential that the nail caps are appropriate for the nail bed, meaning they don’t need the nail bed and cause abrasions.

5. A Scratching Post Substitute

If you’re still teaching your cat to scratch her nails into scratching posts, this is a great option since there won’t be any long-lasting changes to claws or cat’s paws.

RELATED: Do Scratching Posts Sharpen Or Dull A Cat’s Nails?

6. Aid For Long Or Short Term

You can put nail caps for however long they serve your cat in 4 to 6-week small steps. There is no need to use it if they’ve helped, but if you need to start using it again, you can.

7. Nails Will Still Normally Grow

Even though many people think that nail caps will prevent nails from growing, that is not the case. Since nails will actually grow, nail caps fall off in the 5th or 6th week, and the shedding of the outer layer of nails is normal with the cap.

Overall Pros For Nail Caps

cat sitting by window

• Nail caps will prevent injuries to kids, guests and pet owners.

• Nail caps prevent the destruction of the drapes, furniture, and carpets.

• Nail caps are an excellent addition for using a scratching post.

• Nail caps will let the nails still grow naturally without any interference.

• Nail caps are a better solution than declawing cats.

• Nail caps won’t stop the extension and retraction of your cat’s claws.

• Nail caps are economical.

• You can use nail caps as a long-term or short-term option paying attention to your cat’s ability.

If you are not a big supporter of declawing, check here for 8 alternatives to declawing a cat.

Cat Nail Caps – Cons

putting on nail caps on cat

Now each story has two sides, and we need to mention some negative things about nail caps.

After we’ve seen the good side of the famous nail caps, let’s see the cons of cat nail caps:

1. Nail Caps Can Affect Your Cats Ability To Climb

Cats are animals that adore climbing, running, jumping, catching prey, and so on. But those activities may become challenging to them if there are nail caps on their claws.

As we know, while they climb and jump, they rely on their claws for stability and support. Mobility is an important thing for everyone, not just for cats, but when you put nail caps on their nails, there is hardly any mobility there.

RELATED: Can Declawed Cats Climb Trees Or Fences?

2. Cats Chew Nail Caps

This is not the case with every cat, but some of them that have problems adjusting to nail caps will try the take them off by biting them to destroy them and get rid of them.

If they manage to take it off, they will eat it, and you may need a veterinarian to be sure that there is no problem in their stomach.

3. Some Cats Will Refuse Nail Caps

Anything new on their body feels strange, but many can get used to it. However, many cats will refuse to wear them, and nail caps can cause a lot of stress.

4. Nail Caps Should Often Be Replaced

Nail caps are not a permanent solution; they need to be replaced since the cat’s nails grow, and the caps naturally fall off. They need to be replaced every 4 to 6 weeks, and sometimes, you may replace individual nail caps from time to time.

5. Some Cats Will Fight You While Putting The Nail Caps

Many cats hate getting their nails cut or even touching their paws, and they will refuse to wear them; they’ll fight you until you stop trying to put nail caps. That can result in you being full of scratches, glued all over the place, and so on.

6. Cats Need To Be Only Indoors While Wearing Nail Caps

I put nail caps on my cat’s claws, and now she cannot go out? Why? Since cats with nail caps will have difficulties getting used to them, they will have trouble defending themselves.

So if your cat goes outside wearing nail caps, she won’t be able to defend herself, and she will be a target. Unless you take your cat outside on a leash, don’t let them alone.

7. Nail Caps Can Affect Your Cat’s Walk

When you first put nail caps on your cat’s claws, they may walk strangely, some cats learn to walk with nail caps, but some of them cannot, even if they try so hard.

Overall Cons For Nail Caps

cat sitting on bed with nail caps

• It can happen that some of the applied nail caps last longer than their expected time

• A few nail caps may stay on the nail bed longer than they are supposed to leading to nail becoming too long and curvy which will need a pair of scissors or good nail clippers.

• Your cat can make putting nail caps difficult for you to put nail caps since she doesn’t like her paws to be touched.

• Nail caps are not so good for the environment, the plastic is not biodegradable.

• Some cats won’t get used to wearing nail caps, causing difficulties while walking, climbing, etc.

• You need to watch over them on a regular basis in order to avoid infection.

• Some cats will be totally against them and may chew them, and then you’ll have problems.

• You can lose some of the caps while putting them on.

• Some cats will have problems walking and jumping with nail caps.

• An indoor cat is the chosen one, those cats that go outside are not allowed to wear nail caps.

Are Nail Caps Good For Cats?

You need to know that they are not bad; however, there are many different opinions on this topic. Some cat owners are not fans of nail caps, while many see the solution in this.

You will hear that many cat owners complain that nail caps cause stress to their cats and that they’re not needed.

However, to know the truth about nail caps, we created cat nail caps pros and cons so you can have an overview of all the things that are good and bad so you can decide for yourself.

Do Plastic Nail Caps Hurt Cats?

white paw with pink nail caps

No, plastic nail caps shouldn’t cause pain to your cat’s nails, of course, if they’re applied well. It may be a bit odd and uncomfortable while applying it to your cat, which is why your cat walks strangely with her first nail caps ever.

On the other hand, if you misuse nail caps on your cat’s nails, there is a high chance that you’ll cause pain to your cat, and she won’t be able to adjust to them. The irritation of the nail bed may occur if you are not careful while applying nail caps on your cat’s claws. You need to be aware that if you do this in an incorrect way, infection and inflammation may happen.

You must understand that nail caps must not cause harm to your cat’s paws. Those nail caps incorrectly applied still should be able to heal when they’re taken off if there is no infection under the nail. It is usual for a claw cover to fall because of the natural growth of the cat claw.

If you think that you have applied the cat’s nail caps incorrectly, they may already damage the nail bed, but the only solution is to take your cat to the vet to remove the nail caps and treat its paws.

Are Nail Caps Safe?

Using cat nail caps is a totally safe, comfortable, and effective solution to destructive clawing. It is crucial that you apply them the right way and change them according to your cat’s needs.

The Process Of Applying Nail Caps

owner putting on nail caps on cat

Let’s see step-by-step how to apply nail caps.

The process is easier if you have a little kitty since you don’t have to trim the nails. The following process will help you understand it better.

But when your cat grows, you’ll need to trim the cat’s nails before applying them. This should be done with a pair of scissors or good cat nail clippers, and be careful not to cut too far since you can hurt your cat and cause pain, making the cat’s claws more vulnerable.

The process:

• Each cat nail cap kit must come with glue for application. Only this glue that comes with nail caps should be used with them since other glues may consist of materials not suited for nails.

• You need to make sure that your cat is calm and firm.

• After that, put about 1/3rd of the glue on each cap. Some nail caps may require more glue.

• Take your cat’s paw and slightly press the cap on top of the nail bed and slide it to the end, but make sure not to push the cap further than it naturally goes; the glue will keep them in place.

• Nail caps need about 10 minutes to be fully set, but for the first 5 minutes, they should be softly set.

You can expect anything from your cat during this first time, biting and avoiding the touch of their paws; it is entirely normal since that is a new thing, and she isn’t used to it.

If you have problems with your cat while you trim their nails or put caps, you may need to exercise to get your cat’s paw used to your touch.

If you cooperate with your cat while putting caps, next time will be easier for you, but if you fight your cat during the process, she’ll have negative connotations and won’t do it gladly, that’s for sure.

Make sure that you try to discourage your cat when you see her licking the nail caps or trying to bite them. This is not only important because of spare nail caps, but they can harm their claws while biting them off.

Cat Claw Caps: Pick Your Favorite

white cat sleeping with nail caps

You can find cat claw caps all over the Amazon and Chewy. But you may also ask your groomer or vet for recommendations since they have insight into your cat’s breed and temperament.

Nail caps can be made of many materials like rubber, PVC, or vinyl resin. Now, let’s see some of the qualifying purchases:

• Soft Claws Nail Caps for Cats and Kittens

This is the right fit for you if you search for various sizes of nail caps, plus you get many shades. The package of Soft Paws consists of 40 pieces of caps. A vet develops this brand as a humane alternative to declawing.

• VICTHY Soft Pet Cat Nail Caps

These are nail caps that very naturally blend onto a cat’s nail bed and are very comfortable. They come in four sizes. They are sold in multipacks with 100 pieces and in five different shades.

• Kitty Caps

Each package of Kitty Caps has 40 caps, 2 applicator tips, and 2 adhesive tubes.

• Purrdy Paws Soft Nail Caps for Cat Claws

• VICTHY 120pcs Cat Nail Caps, Colorful Pet Cat Soft Claws Nail Covers for Cat Claws

Wrapping It Up

cat sleeping with Cat Nail Caps on nails

Cat nail caps pros and cons are an easy overview of all the good and the bad that might happen with them and how they affect your kitty cat.

Cat nail caps are a safe alternative to declawing, and they will save you a lot of your furniture and scratches on guests and children.

I think claw caps are a good temporary solution to reduce scratching behavior. Cat claw cover will temporarily help your cat’s behavior until you find out what is the reason behind that.

If you decide to put cat nail caps, pay attention to your cat’s behavior and mood in order to see how she is doing in adjusting to it. Remember, cat nail caps won’t serve every cat and every cat owner, so do not try to force them.

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