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Your cat’s nose is probably not the most interesting part of her body, or even something you have ever thought about in detail.

But, I believe you’ll be fascinated with the fact that a cat’s nose is something like the human’s fingerprint – totally unique and distinctive for each cat!

Another great thing about your cat’s nose is her exceptional sense of smell, which, I believe, every cat parent is well aware of.

The color of your cat’s nose is another interesting topic. Not only do not all cats have the same nose color, but it can even change as the cat ages.

Let’s learn more in this cat nose color chart.

Cat Nose Color Chart Overview

Nose color Meaning
Pink/orange/black/grayThe cat’s nose color is directly related to the color of their
Dark pinkExcitement, temperature change
WhiteDehydration, anemia, hypothermia
Black spotsLentigo simplex, melanoma

What Is A Normal Nose Color In Cats?

pink cat nose

The normal nose color isn’t the same for all cats, since it greatly depends on the cat’s fur color. 

For instance, cats with white coats are most likely to have pink noses, orange cats will have orange noses, while black cats will usually have black noses.

Therefore, as long as your cat’s nose color corresponds to her fur coloring, you can be sure she’s healthy.

What Does Dark Pink Nose Indicate?

Have you noticed that your cat's nose changes color in some situations and seems to turn dark pink? Is this something you should be concerned about?

This usually happens for two reasons: Because of a change in temperature and in situations where your kitty is very excited about something.

There are many blood vessels on your cat’s nose. Due to this, her nose can become dark pink when she’s exposed to warmer temperatures. On the other hand, her nose will be lighter in color in colder weather conditions.

In situations when your cat is playing, or when she’s frightened about something, her heart rate increases, and her nose can also become darker.

If you only notice a dark pink nose in your kitten occasionally, and if it goes back to its normal color shortly, you shouldn’t worry about it.

What Causes A White Nose In Cats?

You might notice your cat’s nose has become paler, and this can happen to any cat, regardless of her normal nose color.

Let’s take a look at the three most common causes of white noses in cats.

1. Dehydration

Dehydrated cat

Dehydration in felines occurs when there is excessive fluid loss from their body.

Perhaps your cat hasn’t had enough water lately, and this can be very bad for her health, since water intake is essential for a cat’s digestion, waste removal, and circulation.

Some of the most common symptoms of dehydration in cats, besides white nose, are refusal to eat, sunken eyes, dry gums, and panting, according to WebMD.

If you notice these signs in your cat, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, to get your cat hydrated and back to her normal state.

2. Anemia

A cat with white nose might also be anemic.

As VCA Animal Hospitals explains, anemia is a condition characterized by a reduced number of circulating red blood cells in a cat’s body.

Additional signs of anemia in a cat are tiring quickly and lack of energy. Anemic cats might also have pale gums, according to the cat gum color chart.

To confirm whether your cat is anemic, a veterinarian will need to conduct a urinalysis and a bone marrow biopsy.

Treatment usually involves corticosteroids and deworming medications. In severe cases, a blood transfusion might be needed.

The prognosis is good for most cats, especially if anemia is diagnosed on time.

3. Hypothermia

Hypothermia is another potential cause of your cat’s nose turning white.

As Andrea Brodeur and her associates imply [1], hypothermia can be a primary or secondary condition, and it can be caused by several factors, such as trauma, illness, environmental exposure, medications, and so on.

If your cat's body temperature drops slightly below the normal range, covering her with warm towels and blankets should help.

However, if things get very serious, and you don’t seem to be able to bring your cat’s temperature back to normal, you need to call a veterinarian right away.

Black Spots On A Cat’s Nose

Another phenomenon you might notice on your cat’s nose are black spots.

Let’s check out two most common causes for this specific coloring on a cat’s nose.

1. Lentigo

lentigo cat

Seeing black spots anywhere on your cat’s body, and especially on her face, can be quite terrifying. I believe you immediately jumped to a conclusion that something is definitely wrong with your furry friend.

However, in most cases, this occurrence will be caused by lentigo, which is, according to the Spruce Pets, a genetic condition characterized by an increase in the number of epidermal melanocytes.

Besides on your cat’s nose, you might also notice the black spots on her lips, and eyelids. You shouldn’t worry about this, since lentigo is a purely cosmetic thing.

Orange cat breeds are the ones most commonly affected by lentigo. This phenomenon is mostly seen in middle-aged and older cats.

Lentigo doesn’t affect a cat’s health, and, therefore, doesn’t require a specific treatment.

2. Melanoma

Melanoma in cats is a rare condition, but, unfortunately, it still might occur, especially in older cats.

Dark spots on a cat’s nose might be one of the signs of melanoma, together with lumps or raised areas on her skin.

The best course of action would be to schedule a veterinary check-up for your cat as soon as you notice these dark spots on her nose. This way, if melanoma is confirmed, she can receive treatment promptly.


I hope this article has provided you with a decent insight into the cat nose color chart.

The color of your cat’s nose depends on its fur coloring, but, in some situations, it might change, due to environmental causes, or even illness.

In some cases, like with the lentigo, you have nothing to worry about, since this is just a skin change, and not a sign something is wrong with your pet.

Sometimes your cat’s nose might change color for a little bit, and will soon go back to normal.

Nevertheless, if you have any doubts or worries why this happens, the best would be to reach out to your veterinarian.

[1] Brodeur A, Wright A, Cortes Y. Hypothermia and targeted temperature management in cats and dogs. J Vet Emerg Crit Care (San Antonio). 2017 Mar;27(2):151-163. DOI, Retrieved August 23, 2023.

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