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Cats are very clean animals. I believe that your pet also spends most of its day grooming herself.

So, they want all parts of their surroundings to be clean – their litter boxes included. If the litter box is dirty, or does not suit them in any way, cats may start refusing to defecate in it.

One of the reasons for this could be gnats in litter box. This can be quite an uncomfortable situation, but luckily there are ways to deal with it.

Let’s first find out why gnats appear in your cat’s litter box, and how to effectively solve this problem.

Why Are There Gnats In Litter Box?

Gnats love dark and damp places, so your cat’s litter box is actually one of the most desirable locations for gnats to lay their eggs.

Also, your cat’s urine and feces present a valuable source of food for gnats. 

They usually appear by first burying themselves in cat poop, feeding on it, and then emerging from it.

Gnats shouldn’t be a serious threat to your cat’s health, but nobody wants to have these uninvited guests in their pets’ litter boxes. 

They can become very tiring, so you need to find the best way to get rid of them. Let’s look at some good solutions for this problem.

1. Frequent Litter Box Cleaning

Woman cleaning cat litter tray at home

Another important thing about your cat’s litter box is the frequency of cleaning it. This is especially essential in case you notice gnats in the box.

In this case, you should clean your cat’s box every day, so that there isn’t any feces and urine that presents food for gnats in it.

A clean litter box is extremely important for your cat to defecate normally, and also to keep this very important place for her free of gnats.

2. Change The Place Of The Litter Box

Since gnats prefer dark and damp places, maybe it’s time you change the location of your cat’s litter box.

The new place should be low in humidity, and should have direct sunlight coming in. 

Remember that cats aren’t fans of changes, and they like their routine to always be the same. But, this is a situation where you should think about your ultimate goal. Your cat will eventually get used to the new location of her litter box, and her litter box will be gnats-free.

If you’re unable to change the litter box location completely, you can try to lower the humidity in that room. You can do this by using a dehumidifier, or by opening the windows more frequently to allow airflow in the room.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

woman holding a spray bottle

Vinegar is a natural home remedy antibiotic for cats that can be used to treat different conditions, such as hot spots, urinary tract infections, and flea and tick treatment.

Apple cider vinegar is considered safe for cats in general. A teaspoon or two of this liquid isn’t likely to cause any harm to your pet. This vinegar can also be very effective in fighting the gnats in a cat’s litter box.

How to do this? By simply putting some vinegar together with water in a spray bottle. Then, you should use this spray around your cat’s litter box, and the surrounding area.

There is also another method.

You should put some warm water, vinegar, a little sugar, and liquid dishwashing detergent in an ordinary empty container. Mix everything together and place the container near your cat’s litter box. Of course, make sure your kitty doesn’t get close to it.

You will very likely see a bunch of dead gnats trapped in this container in a few hours.

4. Boric Acid

Boric acid is a mildly acidic compound containing boron, hydrogen, and oxygen, as Earth Clinic explains.

This acid can be used as an antiseptic to fight against viruses, fungi, and bacteria in felines, but also to fight the gnats in their litter boxes.

You should mix water with boric acid in a spray bottle, and then sprinkle it outside of her litter box. This should stop the infestation.

Boric acid isn’t considered toxic for felines, but, still, you should be careful for your cat not to ingest too much of it, so as to not cause an upset stomach in her.

5. Alcohol Spray

gray litter box in the living room

A bottle of alcohol is probably something that every person has in their home.

I have a friend who cleans and disinfects all surfaces with alcohol, and she almost doesn’t use chemical products anymore.

Alcohol is also one of the ways to fight gnats in your cat’s litter box. All you need to do is pour isopropyl alcohol into a spray bottle and spray it on and around the litter box.

Alcohol will not cause problems for your cat and she can use the litter after you have sprayed it.

You can also use alcohol in general to clean your cat’s living area. 

According to PetMD, the thing you should avoid when cleaning your cat’s belongings is chemical smells, because they can repel cats and cause them to avoid the litter box.

6. Insecticide

A good insecticide should work quickly, and make your cat’s litter box gnats-free very soon. 

If you’ve never used this product before, you can ask the seller for advice. You should also read the label and the instructions on how to use the insecticide carefully.

You should be careful for your cat not to use her litter box immediately after you’ve used the insecticide around it, since this can even cause poisoning in her. 


Gnats in litter box are really annoying, and can give you a serious headache, especially if you don’t stop them as soon as you notice them.

Your cat certainly needs to have a clean litter box to not defecate inside inappropriate places.

You also, of course, want to have a house free of gnats.

Have you already encountered this issue with your kitten? What was your way of solving it? Share your thoughts with us!

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