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Hairless cat breeds are indeed something special, aren’t they? Even though they might seem aloof and harsh, judging by Rachel’s Sphynx; however that is so far from the truth. They can be serious affectionate beings that like to climb and cuddle.

The most recognizable one is surely the Sphynx cat, but there are others that deserve to be mentioned due to their uniqueness.

Some of those hairless cat breeds can have peach fuzz or suede, while other cats are truly soft and smooth when you touch them. These cats are really rare, so you should expect to pay more for these types of cats if you’re thinking of getting one.

However, we need to note that none of those cats are complete without hair since they have some fine down that gives them that soft-velvet-like touch.

If you’ve decided that you want one of the hairless cat breeds, keep reading in order to find out everything, from breeds to their care.

11 Hairless Cat Breeds

How come that hairless cat breeds exist? Genetic mutation led to hairless breeds. Because of that, these cats need special care. They have problems staying warm, so they need sweaters and gear for the cold winter months.

If your hairless cat loves to spend time in the sun, as most cats do, she’ll require sunscreen. Many hairless felines will require regular baths in order to prevent oil buildup. Hairless cat breeds like Peterbald and Donskoy have a variety of coat types that seems like light fur.

Keep in mind that these cats are likely to be more active and have a higher rate of metabolism, which will require proper high-quality food that will meet their energy levels.

Now, let’s see 11 hairless cat breeds that will leave you speechless.

1. Devon Rex

Devon Rex sitting outside

First on our list of hairless cat breeds is our dear Devon Rex. Their coat is unusual and has patches of fur only on some parts of the body, which makes the coat very sensitive, so the grooming routine should be very gentle and soft.

Devon Rex is adorned with butterfly ears and huge eyes. Their playful and affectionate personality will win your heart in a matter of seconds.

2. Dwelf


The Dwelf is a cross that happened among the Sphynx, Munchkins, and American Curl cat breeds. A few mutations resulted in this elf-like, hairless, compact cat breed. However, this contributed to many health problems, such as skeletal issues.

Nonetheless, they have a dog-like personality, are ready to be engaged with their owners, and are outgoing. By crossing a Munchkin and an Elf, you get a cat with short legs and curved ears like Elf that you’ll meet in a few minutes.

3. Lykoi


Well, meet the Lykoi or the so-called werewolf cat.

Lykoi has a unique aesthetic since it is a partially hairless breed of cat. Why are they special? Because they are not hairless all the time. Some Lykois are covered with a black-gray coat that is very distinctive, while others Lykois are almost completely hairless. Most of those cats don’t have hair around the feet and legs, faces, and the backs of their ears.

These cats are sociable and loving companions who are friendly toward other animals and strangers. If you’re ready to have a hairless cat this cute, feel free to search for it!

4. Elf

Elf cat posing for photo

Elf is a cat that will catch your eye, a hybrid between American Curl and Sphynx. The look may appear harsh, but this hairless cat breed is actually a really playful elf cat that will make friends with anyone. It is a bigger version of the Dwelf.

Their skin is soft and looks like peach fuzz. Some Elfs have light patches around tails, paws, noses, and ears. If you’ve ever watched Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings and fancied Dobby or Gollum, Elf Cat can find the way to your heart.

Keep in mind that this hairless cat breed is very rare, but if you have any luck, you’ll be able to find one. The Elf is a huge cuddler, friendly, and pleasant; their favorite part of the day is when they’re the center of attention.

They love to climb, so if you get this cat, make sure to provide a lot of tall cat trees so they can enjoy the most of it.

5. Donskoy


Donskoy is known by many names, such as Don hairless, the Russian hairless, and the Don sphynx. However, it is particularly different from the Sphynx. How? The Donskoy is hairless due to the dominant gene, while the Sphynx has no hair because of the recessive genetic mutation.

But, an interesting fact is that Donskoy cats can develop some winter coat when colder times come, and they shed it when the temperature is not so low. However, some of the Donskoy kittens are borns with hair, but they lose it over time.

This cat breed has a sturdy body; it can be entirely without hair or have some hair with bald spots. This hairless cat breed is recognizable because of wrinkly skin, long webbed toes, almond-shaped eyes, and big ears.

They are known for being intelligent, which makes them easy to train. They are very sociable, and you can expect that they’re loyal at all costs. They love to spend time and play with their favorite ones.

Check out our article about two breeders in the US that offer Donskoy cats for sale.

6. Bambino


If we were to translate it from Italian, it would be a child or a baby. The Bambino is actually a new hairless cat breed, known since 2005, and it came to life when people decided to cross the Munchkin and the Sphynx. This mixed dwarf has some hair on the tail, legs, face, and ears, while other Bambino cats are entirely without hair.

This cat is recognizable by their short legs, taking after the Munchkin, and pointy large ears, after the Sphynx parent. The temperament of the Bambino cats is said to be affectionate, outgoing, playful, and really friendly.

RELATED: How Much Does A Munchkin Cat Cost -A Guide To All Expenses

7. Minskin

Another breed developed by the Sphynx and Munchkin is the Minskin, a hairless cat breed that needed Burmese and Devon Rex cats to become the way it is today.

The legs are again short, and there is some fine fur on their body, particularly on the nose, ears, tail, and legs; however, their stomachs are always without hair.

Minskins are said to be very affectionate cats that adore being around children, adults, and even other animals. They will gladly greet you when you enter the room. Their intelligence makes them easy to train, and they are great cuddlers. A cat lover’s dream, isn’t it?

8. The Peterbald

The Peterbald

The Peterbald is an elegant hairless cat breed, elegant like a Siamese cat from Russia. The breed came to life after mixing the Oriental Shorthair and Donskoy. Some Peterbald cats are born with a fine coat that they retain over life or shed while aging. It also may happen that Peterbald is born with a full coat, just like any domestic cat.

The Peterbald, a Russian native, is believed to be a very loyal dog-like cat that is full of affection. They have almond-shaped eyes and large ears, but one thing they are primarily known for is that they have webbed front toes, seriously agile, so they could actually help you hold the door while you are carrying the groceries. Who wouldn’t want a little helper?

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9. Ukrainian Levkoy

Ukrainian Levkoy

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a hairless cat breed that resulted from missing the Scottish Fold and the Donskoy. With its inward-folding ears due to Scottish Fold parentage, this cat is a sight to behold.

Bred in Russia in 2004, this cat breed is believed to be intelligent, playful, and getting along with all kinds of pets and children.

Ukrainian Levkoy is a medium-sized cat with a completely hairless body and a velvet coat. This cat will gladly enjoy cuddling with you in your lap, but it will also need some sort of entertainment since its playful nature is serious!

I wouldn’t recommend playing hide and seek with the Ukrainian Levkoy since they are extremely good at finding anything, and you should take this into consideration when hiding the treats.

You can check the 8 best tall cat trees that will stop them from climbing the walls here.

10. The Sphynx

The Sphynx

And finally, we got to the most popular hairless cat breed, with its origin in Toronto, Canada. The Sphynx is probably the cat that we will most mistake for when we see other hairless cat breeds. Before, when I didn’t know much about cats when I saw a cat without hair, I would instinctively think it was the Sphynx.

The Sphynx’s hairlessness was the result of the genetic mutation when shorthair cats were crossbred. But it also resulted in a healthy and broad lineage. Some Sphynx cats are born with coats or spots of hair on the tail, legs, and face.

Their eyes are lemon-shaped, and their body is fine-boned with long legs. When it comes to their temperament, they are known to be mischievous and outgoing, and they actually want to spend time with their owners and cuddle. Don’t judge the Sphynx cat by Rachel’s Whiskerson in “The One With The Ball.”

The Sphynx cat can be highly vocal so pay attention to check if there is something unusual going on with their health.

In 2016, Cat Fanciers’ Association ranked the Sphynx cat as the 8th most popular cat breed due to its unique look and loving temperament.

RELATED: How Much Does A Sphynx Cat Cost? Everything You Need To Know

11. Sphynx Hybrids

Sphynx Hybrids

Breeders are still producing many Sphynx hybrids, mixing them with different cat breeds. For example, in 2015, breeders came up with an idea to mix American Bobtail and the Sphynx. It took many traits of the Sphynx, but after the American Bobtail parent, it took a short, bobbed tail or no tail at all.

Even though many hybrids are not officially recognized, there are a lot of them that actually have no hair.

Are Hairless Cats Hypoallergenic?

It is quite a popular opinion that hairless cat breeds are hypoallergenic, but cat allergies and allergens are more complex than we think.

People that have cat allergies are not, in fact, allergic to the cat’s fur but to an allergen that releases after the cat licks her fur. The thing that is released after the grooming is proteins in the cat’s skin or so-called dander mixed with saliva. However, there is something with less fur; people tend to be less sensitive to cats with no hair because since there is less fur, cats tend to shed and lick less.

According to that, there is no cat breed that is hypoallergenic to the full extent, but there are cats that are more or less hypoallergenic, and according to that, people with allergies should choose.

How Do You Take Care Of Hairless Cats?

You are familiar with grooming long-haired and short-haired cats, but what about hairless cat breeds? It is true that you won’t need to brush their fur, but you’ll spend that time bathing them because all hairless cats have excess oil because their skin is exposed.

You are also expected to buy some sweaters for cats since they have dry skin and can quickly get sunburn. And another thing, even though you won’t have to search for fleas in their fur, you need to have some flea treatment since they tend to have an allergic reaction to fleas.

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Wrapping It Up

Not everyone is fond of hairless kittens, but some people don’t know what they’re missing. Hairless cat breeds are so unique in their looks as well as their characters.

These cats are not so easy to find, and since they are purebred, the price will be higher. However, those people with allergies should seek these hairless cats since they are less “dangerous” with their dander.

There is no doubt that these cats will make loving and friendly family members, so make sure to look for these as well, not just furry feline cuties!

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