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My cat has worms; how do I clean my house? Probably every cat owner has faced this issue since worms are a common parasite of cats.

Worms are a common parasite of cats. Your pet is especially vulnerable to worm infection if the living conditions are unhygienic or contain parasitic worms.

Cats rarely die from worms, but they can harm your family’s and your pet’s health. Therefore, it is advised to prevent and get rid of parasitic worm infestations.

Keep reading to find out how to clean your house if your cat is infected with worms; we will also provide tips for keeping them from returning.

My Cat Has Worms – How Do I Clean My House?

a beautiful woman with a bucket of detergents and a mop

If your cat has worms, it is essential to take steps to prevent the spread of the worms and to clean your house to reduce the risk of re-infection. Here are some things you will need to clean your home:

Disposable gloves: To protect your hands from coming into contact with the worms or any feces that may contain the worms.

Disinfectant cleaner: To kill any worms or eggs that may be present on surfaces.

• Trash bags: To dispose of any contaminated materials safely.

A vacuum cleaner: To remove any visible worms or eggs from carpets and upholstery.

• A mop and bucket: To clean hard floors.

• Soapy and hot water

• Hand washing liquid


• Vinegar

Power washer

Steam cleaner

• Carpet shampoo

• Accelerated hydrogen peroxide

Rubber boots

It is also essential to follow proper hygiene practices when cleaning, such as washing your hands thoroughly after handling any contaminated materials and safely disposing of gloves and cleaning supplies.

My Cat Has Tapeworms How Do I Clean My House?

Even though the majority of internal parasites in healthy cats are not dangerous, they still need to be treated right away. It’s essential to deworm your cat to stop further accidents.

Cats with worms frequently have diarrhea or vomiting episodes, which makes more mess for you to clean up.

Keep your cat contained in the bathroom as much as you can while she recovers if she is experiencing any sort of stomach issue. This makes the area around her quieter and makes it easier for you to clean.

Dealing with pet waste is unpleasant no matter what, but it can become much more unpleasant during a worm infestation. Grab some plastic bags, your rubber gloves, and a ready supply of paper towels and old newspapers.

For this task, kitchen paper is preferable to bathroom paper because it is less likely to fall apart and shed fibers.

Step 1

a woman buys trash in a bin

• First, use the paper towels to remove as much of the trash as you can. The most unpleasant part is this. Scraping the waste with the edge of a dustpan can be useful if it is very watery or loose.

Don’t cut corners when it comes to cleaning your furniture’s crevices and corners because you never know where those eggs may wind up.

• Check the care instructions for the item or surface before acting if you’re not just cleaning a tiled floor or waterproof floor covering. After vacuuming the entire area, you should steam clean the area because the heat should be able to kill the parasites.

• Most of the time, you’ll need to start working on the dirty area with hot water and detergent. This is pretty simple to do on a hard surface, but steam cleaning rugs, carpets, and furniture can be challenging.

Carpet-cleaning fluid is needed, and you need to use it to clean from worms; just be careful to follow the instructions carefully and keep in mind that high concentrations may change the color of fabrics and carpets. Use a simple detergent if the carpet cleaner is not readily available.

Repeatedly scrub, blotting away the foam with paper towels, and scrub some more. Use more warm water to rinse the detergent as much as you can. It is frequently possible to remove the covers from furniture cushions and wash them separately.

Step 2

the woman puts the laundry in the washing machine

After the initial mess has been cleaned up, think about washing your cushions and covers. Unpleasant odors can persist even after disinfectant has been added. This is so that bacteria aren’t to blame for the odor. Disinfectants can kill germs, but they can only temporarily mask odors.

It can be demoralizing to repeatedly scrub the same spot, only to return to the room each time to the same disagreeable odor.

The enzymatic cleaner is the solution, and these degrade the challenging chemical substances that cause the odor using enzymes. Your home should start to smell great again soon, even if it requires more than one application.

Even when using disinfectants, unpleasant odors can persist. The reason for this is that the odor may not be caused by bacteria, and disinfectants can eliminate germs but only mask the smell temporarily.

 It can be frustrating to repeatedly clean an area without getting rid of the bad smell. Areas where the cat has been, should be cleaned and disinfected. Wear gloves.

 Wipes that are disinfectant can be used for this. Be thorough because it’s possible for a cat to transmit worms to other animals, including you.

Wash Your Cat’s Bedding

it’s important to wash your cat’s bedding if they have tapeworms. Tapeworm segments can fall off the cat and be present in the bedding, and the eggs can stick to the fabric. To properly wash your cat’s bedding:

Remove all bedding from the cat’s sleeping area and gather it in a hamper or laundry basket.

Place the bedding in the washing machine, making sure not to overload it. Use hot water and a high heat setting in the dryer.

Add laundry detergent to the machine as per the instructions on the detergent’s packaging, and wash the bedding on the highest heat setting that is safe for the materials.

• After the bedding is washed, transfer it to the dryer and dry it on high heat.

• If the bedding cannot be washed, vacuum it thoroughly and then place it in a sealed plastic bag for at least a week. The heat generated from the sun will kill any remaining tapeworm eggs.

It’s also a good idea to repeat this process in a week or two to ensure that any remaining tapeworm eggs or segments are removed.

Once the bedding is clean, it’s important to keep the area where your cat sleeps clean and to vacuum it regularly. Additionally, keep an eye on your cat’s feces for signs of tapeworm segments, and take your cat for regular check-ups with your veterinarian.

Clean The Litter Boxes

Cleaning your cat’s litter box is an essential step in getting rid of tapeworms and preventing reinfection. This is important since worms are usually spread by excrement. Here are some tips for cleaning the litter box:

Scoop out the feces and any clumps of urine from the litter box on a daily basis. Place the waste into a plastic bag and seal it before disposing of it in the trash. Then take bleach and boiling water to destroy all the roundworm or tapeworm eggs.

Once a week, completely empty the litter box and wash it with hot, soapy water. Scrub it well to remove any feces, urine, or other debris. Rinse it thoroughly with clean water and let it dry completely before refilling it with fresh litter.

• If you use clumping litter, you may consider disposing of the litter, too, since the tapeworm eggs can survive on it.

• If you use non-clumping litter, you should consider changing it every two to three days to prevent the buildup of feces and urine.

Keep the litter box in a well-ventilated area, and avoid placing it near the cat’s food or water dishes.

It’s also important to keep the area around the litter box clean, as roundworm eggs can stick to surfaces in the area. By following these steps, you can help to reduce the number of tapeworm eggs and segments in your home and reduce the risk of reinfection.

Clean The Food And Water Bowls

Use hot, soapy water and a hot rinse to clean your cat’s water and food bowls. You can disinfect with a small amount of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

After letting it sit for five minutes, thoroughly rinse it under hot water.

Clean Floors

a woman with a mop cleans the floor

It’s important to regularly and thoroughly clean the floors. The eggs should be destroyed by mopping them with a water or bleach solution if you have wood or tile flooring. To ensure that all stragglers are caught, you might want to clean more frequently than usual for a while.

Clean Carpets

If your home has roundworms, you should wash the carpeted areas after cleaning the rest of the house. Cleaning the carpeted areas in your home will guarantee that the worms’ eggs have been removed.

Completely vacuum your carpet before shampooing it as usual. To clean every rug in the house, you can also buy or rent a steam cleaner.

Purchasing one enables you to carry out this procedure more frequently, but renting should be sufficient if you’ve given your animals the right worm treatments.

You can use accelerated hydrogen peroxide to clean your carpet after you’ve finished regular shampooing. Accelerated hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide that has been mixed with other ingredients to increase its potency as a disinfectant spray.

Perform a test on a hidden area of the carpet before cleaning the entire thing. You can ask the advice of your neighborhood pet store if you don’t feel comfortable using hydrogen peroxide.

It should be noted, though, that extensive testing of this substance on a variety of surfaces, including carpets, has yielded positive results.

Keep All Areas Clean

Roundworms may live in environments such as the soil before they find an intermediate host. So, if you work in the garden, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands before handling the cat.

Even though it may seem obvious to wash your hands after gardening, cat owners should take extra precautions. Additionally, you ought to wash your hands entirely after touching a cat’s litterbox. Rub with warm water and soap for about 20 seconds.

Clean The Outdoors

You should also clean the outdoor space where your cat plays. Avoid spraying tapeworm or other parasite-infested surfaces with water from a hose or pressure washer; this will likely spread the infection rather than cure it.

Concrete and other hard surfaces can be cleaned with a bleach solution and a sprayer or power washer.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cat Worms?

the cat lies on a wooden base and drools

It is easy for cats to get any type of worm, so your job as a cat owner is to learn the signs of worms in cats in order to take good care of your cat’s health. These are some symptoms of worms you can easily notice in your feline friend:

Cat’s Feces

It will be great if your cat uses a litter box since you’ll be able to monitor their poop. As you draw near the samples, look out for any of the following indicators:

• If the poop is sticky and black, it might be an indication of blood loss. This could happen if hookworms stick to the walls of the cat’s intestines.

Diarrhea or loose stools: Worms in the intestine can cause inflammation and irritation, leading to diarrhea or loose stools.

Check out our Cat Poop Color Chart to see more.

Cat’s Gums

Pale gums: Anemia caused by worms can cause the gums to appear pale.

Gum inflammation: Some worms can cause inflammation in the gums, leading to redness and swelling.

Bad breath: Worms can cause an unpleasant odor in the mouth, leading to bad breath.

Drooling: Some cats may drool more than usual if they have a worm infection.

Keep in mind other health issues, or poor oral hygiene can also cause some or all of these symptoms.

Cat’s Fur

Scratching or biting at the skin: Cats may scratch or bite at the skin, especially around the tail or hind end, if they are experiencing itching or discomfort due to worms.

Loss of fur or thinning of fur: Worms can cause poor nutrition, which can lead to the loss of fur or thinning of the fur of the infected cat.

Dandruff or dry skin: Worms can also cause dryness and flaking of the skin, leading to dandruff.

Presence of worm segments in fur: Adult worms or the segmented worm(tapeworm) may be seen in the cat’s hair.

Cat’s Exhaustion And Fatigue

Fatigue and exhaustion can be symptoms of a variety of health conditions in cats, including worm infections. Some possible reasons for these symptoms in cats with worms include the following:

Anemia: Some types of worms, such as hookworms, can cause anemia by sucking blood from the intestinal wall, and anemia can lead to fatigue and exhaustion.

Nutritional deficiencies: Worms can compete with the cat for nutrients, leading to malnutrition and poor overall health, which can cause fatigue and exhaustion.

Inflammation and irritation: Worms can cause inflammation and irritation in the intestines, leading to discomfort and fatigue.

Blood loss: Certain worms, like bloodsuckers, can lead to blood loss resulting in weakness and fatigue.

RELATED: What Is Whisker Fatigue?

Cat’s Eating Habits

Changes in a cat’s eating habits can be a sign of a worm infection or other health problem. Some possible reasons for your infected cat to have changes in eating habits include

Appetite loss: Worms can cause inflammation and irritation in the intestines, leading to discomfort and a decreased appetite.

Nausea and vomiting: Worms can also cause nausea and vomiting, which can make a cat less interested in eating.

RELATED: Cat Vomit Looks Like Poop: Causes And Solutions

How Did My Cat Get Worms?

the cat is sitting on the table and scratching

Cats can become infected with worms in a variety of ways. Some common ways include:

Eating infected prey: Cats are natural hunters and may consume infected prey, such as rodents, that can carry worms.

Ingesting worm eggs: Cats can ingest worm eggs from contaminated soil, food, or water.

Transplacental or transmammary transmission: Some worms, such as roundworms, can be passed from a mother cat to her kittens before or after birth.

Fleas: Fleas are not only parasites but can also act as vectors to transmit tapeworms.

Contact with other infected animals: Cats can become infected with worms by coming into contact with other infected animals, such as other cats or dogs.

It’s essential to keep in mind that some cats may be more at risk of getting worms than others, such as outdoor cats, cats that hunt, or cats that have contact with other infected animals.

Regular visits to a veterinarian, preventive care, and regular deworming are some ways to reduce the risk of worm infections.

How To Keep My Cat Worm-Free?

The frequency of deworming depends on a few factors, including your cat’s lifestyle, overall health, and the type of worms present.

In general, it’s a good idea to have your cat checked for worms at least once a year during a routine veterinary check-up, which may include a fecal examination. Based on the results of the fecal exam and the cat’s overall health, your veterinarian may recommend deworming medication.

For indoor cats with no known exposure to other animals or potential sources of infection, the frequency of deworming may be less frequent, typically every 3 to 5 years, or as recommended by your vet.

For outdoor cats, cats that hunt, cats that have contact with other infected animals, or cats that live in areas with a high prevalence of parasites, it may be necessary to deworm more frequently, such as every 3 to 6 months.

It’s also important to note that kittens should be dewormed more frequently than adults, typically every 2 to 4 weeks until they are 12-14 weeks old, to ensure they are protected against common internal parasites.

In addition to regular deworming, there are other preventive measures that you can take to reduce the risk of worm infections, such as keeping your cat’s living area clean, preventing access to contaminated soil, food, or water, and controlling fleas.

It’s always best to consult with your veterinarian to develop a customized deworming schedule for your cat, as they will know your cat’s medical history, lifestyle, and potential exposure to intestinal parasites.

RELATED: How Often Do You Take A Cat To The Vet – How Much Is Enough?

Final Thoughts

My cat has worms; how do I clean my house? I hope that after this article, you won’t have any problems with cleaning your hose after a worm infection.

Worms can be problematic, both for your cat and you. That’s why it is important that you observe the behavior and pay attention to your cat so you can spot the difference and symptoms of worm infection.

Keep in mind that you need to clean everything your cat has been in touch with, so floors, carpets, bedding, cat toys, bowls, and so on. If you stick to these tips and tricks, you won’t have problems anymore.

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