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Are you programming a Spectrum remote? In search of 3-5 digit remote codes that work with your TV? You're in the right place. This article consists of a comprehensive list as well as setup instructions to make things easier.

So, without further delay, let's get into it.

Note: For easy navigation, I’ve sorted the TV brands in alphabetical order. You may also use the search box below for a quick find.

TV BrandRemote Code
DynexFive-digit codes: 12049, 11463, 10463
Four Digit Codes: 1785 2049 0463
(Philips RC122)- 1182 1271 1280
(Cisco DTA)- 4061 4071 4641
Three Digit Codes: 400, 096
(Synergy V)- 167, 415, 424, 567, 577
Element ElectronicsFive-digit codes: 11886, 11756, 13559, 14398, 12434, 11687, 10885, 12049, 12183, 12964, 13907, 12256, 11524, 11864, 14660, 12746, 12360
Four Digit Codes: 1687, 1756, 2434, 3559, 0885, 2049, 0706, 2183, 2964, 2256, 1524, 1864, 2746, 2360
(Philips RC122)- 1065, 1098, 1228
(Cisco DTA)- 0281, 2511, 0571, 2801, 4401, 0911
Three Digit Codes:
(for UR5U-8780L/8790L, UR3-SR3M/SR3S, etc.)- 363, 387, 031, 004, 110, 268, 705, 494, 622, 690, 526
(for Synergy V) 459, 587
JVCFive-digit codes: 10650, 11756, 11774, 14398, 12434, 12321, 10885, 11923, 14053, 12049, 11670, 11570, 11892, 10683, 10463, 11480, 10060, 12360, 13393, 12051, 11524, 10765
Four Digit Codes: 0463, 1756, 2434, 1774, 0885, 0053, 2321, 2049, 0706, 1923, 1670, 0731, 1570, 0683, 1480, 0060, 2118, 2360, 2051, 1524, 0765,
(Philips RC122)- 1005, 1098, 1040, 1228, 1125, 1204, 1236, 1368, 1377
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1010, 1011, 1012, 1045, 1051, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1128, 1129, 1146, 1168, 1175, 1194, 1335, 1336, 1362
(Cisco DTA)- 0051, 2511, 4071, 0171, 0931, 0301, 0351, 0641, 0821, 0041, 0871, 1031, 0501, 1161, 1181, 1261, 1451, 2731, 3481
Three Digit Codes:
(for UR5U-8780L/8790L, UR3-SR3M/SR3S, etc.) 038, 034, 387, 031, 001, 199, 083, 195, 705, 210, 236, 242, 268, 533, 159, 227, 581, 639, 406, 668, 701
(Synergy V) 039, 045, 104, 105, 106, 233, 396, 397, 410, 589
LG ElectronicsFive-digit codes: 11423, 10017, 11265, 10178, 10700, 10856, 11178, 11768, 11993, 12358, 12424
Four Digit Codes: 0017, 1756, 1423, 2434, 0178, 1753, 0885, 1314, 2049, 0030, 0706, 3094, 2360, 0856, 1768
(Philips RC122)- 1013, 1098, 1228, 1178, 1018, 1035, 1079, 1234, 1264, 1225, 1307, 1318, 1340, 1373
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1005
(Cisco DTA)- 0001, 2511, 2801, 0021, 3241, 0061, 4241, 0081, 0101, 0201, 0211, 0231, 0281, 0431, 0311, 0651, 0861, 1031, 2881, 1301, 1341, 1131, 1351, 1371, 1761, 2071, 1851, 2051, 2261, 2851, 2921, 3081, 3471, 3501, 3531, 3591
Three Digit Codes: 363, 387, 031, 004, 569, 113, 106, 268, 112, 116, 127, 247, 705, 102, 250, 598, 086, 698, 143, 741, 236, 648, 284
(Synergy V)- 023, 053, 068, 073, 090, 107, 108, 233, 360, 361, 384, 424, 567, 577, 587
MagnavoxFive-digit codes: 11454, 11756, 12597, 14398, 12434, 13623, 11913, 10885, 11867, 12049, 11963, 11990, 11365, 11755, 10051, 10171, 11394, 10802, 11314, 11198, 10748, 12360
Four Digit Codes: 1755, 1756, 1454, 0054, 2434, 2597, 0885, 1867, 2049, 1913, 0706, 1963, 1990, 1365, 0051, 0171, 2360, 0802, 1314, 0030, 1198, 0748, 1525
(Philips RC122)- 1180, 1242, 1006, 1002, 1228, 1098, 1038, 1053, 1115, 1126, 1171, 1191, 1251, 1262, 1227, 1296, 1302, 1304, 1322, 1332, 1372
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1000, 1004, 1006, 1008, 1017, 1057, 1058, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1073, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1258, 1300, 1323, 1360
(Cisco DTA)- 0061, 2511, 0861, 2011, 2881, 1321, 0051, 0591, 1301, 4261, 1651, 4681, 1631, 2981, 5101, 4661
Three Digit Codes: 164, 387, 070, 031, 003, 116, 004, 022, 059, 363, 060, 061, 333, 063, 268, 064, 226, 127, 390, 094, 160, 467, 056, 236, 431, 238, 243, 594, 705, 205, 028, 138, 168, 035, 211, 077, 050, 218, 232
(Synergy V)- 023, 044, 068, 071, 072, 073, 089, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 108, 134, 233, 385, 387, 390, 397, 398, 403, 404, 405, 419, 423, 426, 456, 463, 470, 472, 523, 533, 549, 594, 595
ONNFive-digit codes: 11756, 14398, 12397, 12434, 10885, 11447, 12049, 10463, 12360
Four Digit Codes: 2434, 1756, 2397, 0885, 0463, 2049, 0047, 0706, 3078, 2360
(Philips RC122)- 1098, 1228
(Cisco DTA)- 2511
Three Digit Codes: 705, 387, 031, 268
PanasonicFive-digit codes: 11480, 10650, 10051, 12240, 11947, 11927, 11924, 11347, 10171, 10178, 10060, 10156, 11457, 10154, 10150, 11142, 11454, 11774, 12360
Four Digit Codes: 0250, 1480, 0051, 1947, 1927, 1924, 1925, 0171, 0178, 1457, 0060, 0156, 0154, 0150, 1142, 0145, 1454, 0093, 1774, 0054, 2360, 0053, 0047
(Philips RC122)- 1021, 1183, 1004, 1028, 1141, 1249, 1253, 1254, 1289, 1342, 1344
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1003, 1045, 1136, 1162, 1179, 1188, 1192, 1203, 1211, 1221, 1238, 1243, 1246, 1261, 1278, 1279, 1320, 1329, 1330, 1337, 1338, 1350, 1357
(Cisco DTA)- 0001, 4201, 0061, 0041, 0101, 3101, 0201, 1491, 0231, 3921, 0281, 1651, 0341, 0311, 4261, 0371, 0631, 0861, 0871, 0501, 0911, 1611, 2881, 1861, 1161, 2361, 2551, 1841, 2461
Three Digit Codes: 080, 034, 164, 056, 190, 208, 234, 359, 236, 230, 244, 552, 248, 524, 237, 624, 607, 240, 664
(Synergy V)- 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 403, 419, 423, 429, 631
PhilipsFive-digit codes: 11867, 11756, 14398, 12597, 11454, 12434, 13623, 12622, 10885, 10171, 12049, 11913, 10017, 11990, 11755, 11963, 11394, 13678, 11365, 11447, 11314, 11589, 10810, 12360
Four Digit Codes: 0054, 1756, 1867, 2597, 2434, 1454, 0171, 0885, 2049, 1913, 0017, 0706, 1990, 0556, 1755, 1963, 1365, 1314, 1589, 1961, 0810, 2360, 2992
(Philips RC122)- 1180, 1006, 1034, 1098, 1228, 1113, 1184, 1224, 1242, 1296, 1302, 1322, 1345, 1363
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1000, 1003, 1004, 1008, 1010, 1017, 1057, 1058, 1063, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1201, 1212, 1249, 1256, 1292, 1351, 1360
(Cisco DTA)- 0021, 0061, 2511, 2011, 0151, 3241, 0551, 0591, 0201, 2981, 0281, 3451, 0011, 0291, 0301, 0231, 0311, 0331, 0391, 0661, 0861, 2881, 1081, 1021, 1391, 1571, 2651, 3541, 3271, 3901, 3941, 0921, 3431, 5001, 3571, 5021, 4161
Three Digit Codes: 164, 387, 038, 031, 005, 116, 093, 003, 127, 268, 070, 705, 363, 004, 206, 059, 236, 431, 238, 333, 243, 247, 161, 199, 218, 594, 144, 629, 773, 727, 232
(Synergy V)- 023, 044, 068, 071, 072, 073, 089, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 108, 134, 233, 385, 387, 390, 397, 398, 403, 404, 405, 419, 423, 426, 456, 463, 470, 472, 523, 533, 549, 594, 595
RCAFive-digit codes: 11447, 11756, 12746, 14398, 11347, 12434, 13577, 10885, 13382, 12932, 12049, 13717, 13895, 12183, 10051, 13939, 13332, 13636, 11661, 14053, 12855, 11959, 14035, 11385, 13147, 11958, 11868, 13938, 13894, 13794, 12256, 10090, 11670, 14079, 12360, 10765, 14394, 10810, 11712, 11641, 11457, 11687, 14483, 10180, 14093, 13559
Four Digit Codes: 0047, 1756, 2746, 2434, 0051, 3577, 0885, 3894, 2049, 3382, 2932, 0706, 3717, 3895, 0093, 2183, 1661, 0060, 2855, 3953, 1959, 1385, 1958, 1868, 2256, 2403, 0090, 1670, 2360, 0765, 0810, 1712, 0000, 1457, 1687, 0180, 3559
(Philips RC122)- 1193, 1179, 1098, 1228, 1003, 1013, 1009, 1031, 1103, 1112, 1123, 1164, 1237, 1255, 1258, 1259, 1267, 1281, 1285, 1303, 1334, 1345, 1350, 1356, 1394
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1017, 1053, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1105, 1143, 1145, 1148, 1149, 1151, 1155, 1163, 1167, 1170, 1182, 1190, 1198, 1202, 1215, 1240, 1250, 1265, 1342, 1348, 1359
(Cisco DTA)- 1061, 0281, 2511, 0101, 1981, 0171, 0411, 4401, 0961, 4201, 0441, 2711, 4261, 1041, 0571, 2651, 0241, 1251, 1521, 4251, 4211, 4581, 4131, 4021, 4221, 4231, 4171, 4501, 4611, 4281, 4291, 4311, 4321, 4591, 4831, 4851, 4891, 4901, 3981, 4081
Three Digit Codes: 333, 160, 387, 161, 031, 065, 144, 156, 116, 070, 363, 004, 023, 024, 056, 074, 152, 588, 232, 233, 713, 236, 751, 238, 239, 081, 209
(Synergy V)- 042, 044, 052, 053, 054, 055, 068, 069, 070, 073, 095, 100, 108, 191, 384, 403, 408, 416, 573, 587, 631
SamsungFive-digit codes: 10812, 10060, 10702, 10178, 10650, 10766, 10814, 11060, 11903, 12051
Four Digit Codes: 0812, 2051, 3382, 0060, 1959, 0178, 0766, 0090, 0030, 1755, 1480, 0587
(Philips RC122)- 1055, 1007, 1013, 1036, 1018, 1002, 1046, 1057, 1104, 1197, 1244, 1044, 1290, 1295, 1298, 1327, 1336
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1004, 1005, 1006, 1010, 1013, 1017, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1137, 1305, 1138, 1156, 1178, 1232, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1281, 1282, 1287, 1311, 1312, 1332, 1353
(Cisco DTA)- 0121, 0411, 0021, 0101, 0281, 0061, 2671, 1281, 0081, 0041, 4021, 0171, 4131, 0231, 4141, 4151, 0341, 4161, 0371, 4171, 0471, 4181, 0801, 4191, 2881, 1041, 1061, 1131, 1371, 1741, 2051, 2111, 2221, 2641, 0861, 2661, 3241, 3341, 1501, 3371, 3771, 3661, 3821, 3601, 3841, 3631, 3861, 5021, 3691, 3721, 3831, 1231, 1751, 1801, 0901, 1311, 2291, 1691
Three Digit Codes: 258, 192, 184, 050, 185, 089, 004, 363, 101, 127, 143, 133, 160, 333, 105, 228, 070, 237, 229, 239, 461, 515, 578, 655
(Synergy V)- 015, 016, 017, 023, 031, 073, 090, 095, 107, 108, 134, 147, 151, 153, 233, 384, 386, 411, 426, 508, 533, 573, 577, 587
SharpFive-digit codes: 12360, 12402, 11756, 12183, 14398, 13867, 12104, 11589, 10178, 14740, 11670, 12434, 14121, 10885, 11457, 12049
Four Digit Codes: 0093, 2360, 1756, 2183, 0178, 2104, 1589, 1670, 2434, 0885, 1457, 2049, 0706
(Philips RC122)- 1060, 1011, 1228, 1025, 1033, 1098, 1075, 1205, 1055, 1294, 1297, 1301, 1308, 1313, 1328, 1346
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1004, 1006, 1010, 1022, 1025, 1079, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1100, 1137, 1139, 1197, 1241, 1259, 1269, 1272, 1273, 1280, 1283, 1344, 1354, 1367
(Cisco DTA)- 4001, 0171, 2511, 0051, 4021, 4031, 0301, 4011, 0331, 4041, 0451, 4051, 1611, 1181, 1551, 1951, 2081, 2371, 0021, 0931, 1161, 0551, 3611, 3641, 0501, 0281, 5031, 4161
Three Digit Codes: 251, 081, 387, 004, 019, 031, 684, 028, 014, 705, 268, 363, 143, 022, 175, 127, 236, 308, 496, 692, 735, 765, 766
(Synergy V)- 016, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 073, 108, 233, 393, 395, 409, 573, 587
SonyFive-digit codes: 10000, 10810, 10834, 11317, 11685
Four Digit Codes: 0000, 0810, 1685, 2506
(Philips RC122)- 1000, 1064, 1152, 1218, 1178, 1288, 1326, 1370
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1002, 1157, 1164, 1165, 1174, 1176, 1177, 1225, 1227, 1229, 1231, 1247, 1251, 1263, 1268, 1270, 1274, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1310, 1324, 1328, 1333, 1341, 1361
(Cisco DTA)- 0031, 1981, 0051, 4781, 0061, 0141, 0171, 0191, 0261,0611, 0861, 2881, 0501, 1161, 1791, 4381, 4751, 2331, 4761, 2401, 2471, 4791, 3381, 4811, 3701, 0161, 3621, 0221, 0381, 0421, 0521, 0831, 2591, 2541, 5041, 5051, 5061, 5071, 5081, 5091
Three Digit Codes: 001, 608, 241, 126, 646, 139, 085, 236, 651, 240, 633, 702, 602
(Synergy V)- 014, 020, 021, 050, 095, 178, 540
SunBrite TVFive-digit codes: 11610, 12337, 11712, 11435, 10810
Four Digit Codes: 1610, 2337, 0810, 1712
Three Digit Codes: 587
TCLFive Digit Codes: 11756, 12434, 14398, 13938, 10885, 12049, 11447, 12360, 10178, 12183, 11423
Four Digit Codes: 1756, 2434, 2403, 0885, 2049, 0706, 2360, 0178, 2183, 1423
(Philips RC122)- 1098, 1228
(Cisco DTA)- 1411, 2511, 4201, 0861, 2721, 0701, 1301, 3851, 1131, 1161
Three Digit Codes: 705, 387, 031, 749, 251, 081, 096, 268
ToshibaFive Digit Codes: 11524, 10156, 10650, 11935, 11670, 12684, 10060, 11959, 11704, 10154, 11369, 11343, 10765, 11480, 11314, 12352, 14730, 12051, 11142
Four Digit Codes: 0154, 1524, 0156, 1935, 1670, 1343, 2684, 0060, 0093, 1959, 1369, 0845, 0765, 1480, 1314, 2352, 1743, 2051, 1142
(Philips RC122)- 1190, 1014, 1015, 1127, 1007, 1252, 1246, 1219, 1212, 1168, 1163, 1018, 1114, 1173, 1062, 1028, 1071, 1300, 1338, 1353, 1369
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1042, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1087, 1091, 1097, 1098, 1130, 1131, 1172, 1173, 1183, 1286, 1317, 1325, 1327, 1334, 1345, 1346, 1355, 1364, 1365
(Cisco DTA)- 0011, 0041, 0021, 0101, 2481, 0051, 2351, 0061, 3921, 0081, 0111, 0171, 0191, 0211, 0471, 0291, 0701, 0411, 0501, 0871, 1301, 1041, 1351, 1131, 1441, 1161, 1781, 1951, 2021, 1361, 0341, 2341, 1741, 0861, 3671, 2121, 2801, 2311, 3821, 4151, 2441, 3931, 2501, 2581, 2601, 2611, 3731
Three Digit Codes: 138, 015, 101, 030, 045, 007, 258, 040, 325, 062, 142, 230, 137, 703
VizioFive Digit Codes: 11758, 12707, 10864, 11756, 10885
Four Digit Codes: 1758, 0864, 2707, 1756, 0885
(Philips RC122)- 1230, 1081, 1092, 1187, 1228, 1293, 1299, 1306, 1333, 1380
(Cisco DTA)- 2511, 4091, 4101, 0281, 4121, 4111, 1401, 3791
Three Digit Codes: 386, 004, 236, 031, 387, 724, 603, 624, 625, 675
(Synergy V)- 053, 062, 073, 095, 108, 454, 538, 561, 573
ZenithFive Digit Codes: 11423, 10017, 10178, 11643, 11661, 12864, 10463, 11365, 11463, 10810
Four Digit Codes: 0000, 1423, 0017, 0178, 1643, 0047, 1661, 0145, 0463, 1365, 0810, 0030, 0092
(Philips RC122)- 1001, 1023, 1018, 1010, 1178, 1392
(AllTouch AT8560)- 1001, 1004, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1158, 1225, 1233, 1235, 1239, 1242, 1267, 1322, 1343, 1363
(Cisco DTA)- 0281, 2411, 4201, 3241, 4071, 2981, 5101
Three Digit Codes: 363, 011, 072, 073, 095, 103, 238, 096, 241, 245, 247
(Synergy V)- 047, 048, 049, 050, 051, 073, 095, 097, 108, 191, 213, 391, 405, 406, 408, 434,567, 573, 577, 587

How To Set Up Spectrum Remote?

Now that you have a list of Spectrum TV remote codes, it's time to program it. Follow the below simple steps:

Step 1: Prepare the Remote

  • Put two AA batteries in your remote.
    Change AA batteries in Spectrum Remote
  • Make sure your remote is at an optimal distance from your TV.

👉 Related reading: GE Universal Remote Codes for Samsung TVs

Step 2: Identify Your Remote's Model

  • The model number should be imprinted on the rear side of the battery compartment.
  • Then find your TV manufacturer in the list above.

Step 3: Program The Remote

  • Turn your TV on to start the process.
  • Simultaneously press and hold the Menu + Ok buttons until the input button on the top blinks twice.
    Press and hold the Menu and OK button.
  • Then press the TV power key once. The input button should turn solid.
    Press the TV Power button and make sure the Input button emits a solid glow.
  • Point the remote control at your TV, press and hold the UP arrow.
    Press and hold UP arrow
  • As soon as the TV turns off, press and hold the number your TV manufacturer corresponds to. Mine was 8.
    Press and hold the number your TV manufacturer corresponds to.
  • The remote setup is now complete.

Additional Steps:

  • If the abovementioned process doesn’t work, re-press and hold the Menu + OK button. The input button will blink twice.
  • Then enter the first code listed for your TV manufacturer from the official portal or the list above. The input button should blink twice.
  • If not, try pressing each of the codes mentioned until the setup is complete.
  • However, if nothing works, you must reset the Spectrum remote.

👉 Related reading: Universal Remote Codes for Hisense TVs

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I program Spectrum remote to Roku?

Yes. Roku TVs are programmable by the Spectrum remote. You must use various codes provided by the manufacturer to use the TV accordingly.

Why is my TV not responding to the remote code?

A few of the common reasons for Spectrum remote not working might be pairing issues, battery issues, or infrared sensor issues. Try replacing your battery first. If it doesn’t work, try following the setup process from the start or calling Spectrum customer support.

Can you program any remote to any TV?

Not any remote, but with the use of Spectrum universal remote, you can operate any TV brand around the world. You can get a remote from the TV manufacturer itself, but replacing it when broken can be expensive and unnecessary.


Using a Spectrum remote control with your TV is not at all demanding and yields you a way loads of convenience. But if you are stuck at any time, you can always connect with customer support and get your way.

I hope you find the article helpful and informative enough to understand how the codes work!