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can dogs eat pineapple?

Yes. Pineapple is safe for dogs to eat and does not cause any health issues or stomach illnesses of any kind. The pineapple can be healthy for dogs in small amounts. If your dog does not like to eat pineapples, there are also other kinds of vegetables and fruits that are safe to consume.

But there’s more to this subject than a simple “yes” or “no” answer.

How Much Pineapple Can Your Dog Eat?

Pineapples are high in sugar so feed your dog fresh pineapple in moderation, no more than one or two pieces at a time, and watch for your dog’s reaction, as pineapple can cause gas or diarrhea.

Just because it can cause these reactions, it doesn’t mean it’s bad for your dog. Just stick to the 1-2 slices rule when feeding dogs any fresh fruit.

This amount of pineapple is good for our furry friends, and if you’re the kind of dog owner who feeds your dog sugary, processed treats, the natural sugars in raw pineapple can satisfy your dog’s sweet tooth and are a much healthier option.

Is pineapple good for dogs? Health Benefits Of Pineapple

Pineapples are rich in fiber, nutrients, and minerals and vitamins, such as manganese and vitamin C. They improve the health of your dog’s immune system.

Fresh pineapple also contains bromelain, an important digestive aid. It works with your dog’s digestive system to more efficiently and effectively break down proteins. Be sure to feed her only fresh, though, as canned pineapple loses the bromelain.

For years dog owners have helped treat kidney problems with fresh pineapple. The bromelain in pineapples has also been used by experienced dog owners to deal with the formation of bladder stones.

Bromelain not only aids in a dog’s digestive process, it also helps in fighting the growth of cancer cells as well, and can even aid in reducing tumors in a dog’s body.

Small amounts of pineapple can also help if your dog has other health problems. Sometimes a dog owner’s unintentional poor dietary choice can cause their dogs to get pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is when your dog’s pancreas become inflamed, and if left untreated, it can result in death. The enzymes in pineapples can help treat this issue. They are not enough to fully heal it but they still have a positive impact.

But please, if you have any concerns over your dog’s health, take her to your nearest vet right away.

Pineapple Leaves And Skins

While fresh pineapple is great for your dog, pineapple leaves are not – they’re difficult for your dog’s digestive system to properly process, and can be toxic to dogs.

Just like pineapple leaves can be dangerous, so too is pineapple skin. You shouldn’t feed your dog pineapple skin as it has no benefit for them, and in fact comes with a laundry list of health risks.

Chewing the hard skin of a pineapple can eventually damage a dog’s teeth, and you’ll have no idea what the pineapple came in contact with, or what kind of chemical pesticides it may still have on its skin. Those chemicals could pose a real threat to the general health of your dog.

Should I Use Canned Pineapple?

Avoid canned pineapple; while it’s more convenient, it won’t provide your dog with the digestive system-boosting bromelain found in fresh pineapple. Additionally, canned pineapple is swimming in an ocean of sugar-saturated water. The natural sugar content of pineapples is very high, and the sugary water that canned pineapple is soaked in adds to the already high levels.

Don’t forget to avoid old pineapples as well. For those readers not all that familiar with the fruit, fresh pineapple will be completely yellow in color. Once your pineapple loses its unified color, it’s old, and won’t provide the health benefits of fresh, ripe pineapple.

Pineapple Can Help Your Dog Stop Eating Her Poop

Do your dogs eat their own feces? If so, then they probably have coprophagia. Feeding your dog fresh pineapple is one way to provide an organic quick-fix for the problem. Once digested and passed, the pineapple will add an unappetizing taste and smell to your dog’s feces that’s so repulsive that even your dog will turn her nose up at it.

Additionally, since coprophagia can be due to a deficiency of nutrients, pineapple can help make enough of a dietary difference that your dog no longer feels the need to eat poop to try to replace the previously missing ingredients.


Fresh, raw pineapple is one of several acceptable treats for your dog. Just remember that numerous online sources such as Dogster, and the American Kennel Club, agree that the high sugar content could give your dog diarrhea, gas, stomach pain or even cause vomiting. Since dogs are carnivores, though, you should not feed your dog more than a couple of pieces a day.