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When it comes to redecorating your home, one thing you will have to do is paint your walls, which is something easier said than done.

Fortunately, we now have paint sprayers that can be used to paint your walls in minutes, delivering a smooth and professional finish. And although using a paint sprayer does come with some setbacks, it is still an effective method that comes with numerous advantages. 

If you are a professional decorator, then chances are you already own a paint sprayer in your arsenal of equipment, as decorators can pay from the device using the money they make from their various jobs.

paint sprayer in hand

However, if you are a homeowner, the price of a paint sprayer may be too expensive to warrant a purchase, especially if you hardly ever repaint your home. But if you still need a paint sprayer, this does not mean that you have to buy one, as sprayers can now be rented for a small fee. 

Currently, there are hundreds of outlets that allow you to rent paint sprayers, with the price often varying depending on how long you need it.

However, renting a paint sprayer is still a cheaper alternative than purchasing a brand new model, although both options come with their pros and cons. So, should you rent or buy? Well, that’s the question that we are going to answer in the following article. 

Why Should You Use A Paint Sprayer? 

The main reason why paint sprayers are so popular is that they are an efficient alternative to manual painting, with most sprayers promising a professional finish. 

When it comes to using a paint sprayer, you will need to mask the chosen room in tape before using the sprayer to coat the walls, which is a simple process that ensures a clean result.

Once you have finished, you will also need to touch up any areas covered by the tape, otherwise, you could end up with a patchy wall. 

However, if you decide to use brushes and rollers, you will need to apply two to three coats of paint to ensure an even finish, which can be a long and painstaking process. Some estimations even state that it takes approximately four times longer to manually paint a room than to paint it with a sprayer. 

So if you are planning to paint a single room, then the cost of buying a sprayer is not worth it, with some of the most expensive models ranging from $2000 and up. However, if you are planning to paint several rooms or are hoping to offer a professional service, then investing in a paint sprayer may be the best choice. 

To help you further understand the pros and cons of buying or renting a paint sprayer, we have outlined some key information in the sections below.

Why Should You Rent A Paint Sprayer? 

When compared to buying a paint sprayer, renting comes with numerous benefits such as a lower price and more variety.

However, it is important to remember that the cost of rent will often depend on how long you intend to use the paint sprayer for. 

Beyond this, renting a paint sprayer can provide you with the opportunity to test different models, which can be useful if you are unsure of what type of sprayer you need for the job.

Not only does renting allow you to try different machines, but it can also help you to determine which paint sprayer is the best one for your needs. 

Although you will need to rent from different companies if you want to try out the different sprayers currently available. 

There are various advantages when it comes to renting a paint sprayer, so we have outlined some pros to help aid you in your decision. 

The Pros 


If you need first-hand experience of the efficiency of using a paint sprayer, then there is no better choice than to rent one.

Not only does renting a paint sprayer allow you to use a model for a single job, but it can also help you to determine whether using a paint sprayer is easier for you and your team. You can even rent a paint sprayer to consider its resources and whether it works to deliver a professional finish. 


When you rent a paint sprayer, you are also not in charge of its maintenance, which means any issues or breakdowns will not be your responsibility.

If the sprayer stops working, you will have to return it to the store for a new one. Similarly, when a new model is released with all of the latest technology, you will be able to use it without having to spend a fortune on an upgrade. 


Although paint sprayers are not very big, they can take up a lot of space, especially if you are already working with a limited amount of storage.

Fortunately, renting allows you to use the sprayer before returning it to the supplier, which means you will not have to worry about storing the machine in your home or garage. 

Why Shouldn’t You Rent A Paint Sprayer? 

If you are constantly renting paint sprayers to redecorate your home, then renting may not be the most viable option, as it can be more expensive to rent a sprayer for long periods of time than to purchase a brand new model. 

There are various disadvantages when it comes to renting a paint sprayer, so we have outlined some cons to help aid you in your decision. 

 FREE Painting fence or garden shed with a paint sprayer

The Cons 


Of course, the biggest disadvantage of renting a paint sprayer is that the product is not your property, which means it has to be returned to the original supplier once your designated time is up.

Because of this, you may find yourself having to decide between manually painting or spending more money to rent another model, which can soon drain your funds if you are not careful. 

When Should You Rent A Paint Sprayer? 

The best time to rent a paint sprayer is when you don’t have the funds or experience to purchase a brand new model, as you can rent a paint sprayer to access the machine’s various capabilities.

It is also best to rent a paint sprayer if you are planning to paint a single room, as this is considered a more viable option than spending money on a product you will hardly use. 

Why Should You Buy A Paint Sprayer? 

When you buy a paint sprayer, you are buying something that will remain your property for the foreseeable future, which means you can use it again and again. Whether you need to paint a single wall or a whole house, owning a paint sprayer means that you will not be limited by the restrictions of renting. 

There are many advantages when it comes to buying a paint sprayer, so we have outlined some cons to help aid you in your decision. 

The Pros 


One of the best things about owning your own paint sprayer is that you can complete any job quickly and efficiently.

Because rental models are not always readily available, this means that you can be left without access to the one tool that you need to complete your work. However, if you own your own paint sprayer, you never have to be concerned about a lack of resources ever again. 

Why Shouldn’t You Buy A Paint Sprayer? 

Of course, the biggest drawback of buying a paint sprayer is the cost, with some models ranging from $1000-$2000. Although most paint sprayers do not cost a fortune, they are still more expensive than buying brushes and rollers, with even rental models costing a lot of money over prolonged periods.

While many people believe that paint sprayers eventually pay for themselves, if you don’t have the funds to buy one, you will not be able to test that theory. 

There are many disadvantages when it comes to buying a paint sprayer, so we have outlined some cons to help aid you in your decision. 

The Cons


Unfortunately, when you own your own paint sprayer you are responsible for its maintenance, which can be difficult to track over long periods of time.

Sometimes paint sprayers will even break down if they have been well looked after, which means you will still need to replace them should the problem arise. 

When Should You Buy A Paint Sprayer? 

If you own your own decorating service, then you should seriously consider purchasing your own paint sprayer, as this can make your job much easier and efficient.

Buying your own paint sprayer can also cost less money than continuing to rent, which will allow you to complete jobs while saving the funds. 

You should also consider buying a paint sprayer if you are the kind of person who enjoys regularly redecorating your home, as this can help you save money instead of spending it all on renting.

For example, purchasing your own paint sprayer will not cost much more than buying other painting equipment, which means it can sometimes be the more economical option. 

Should You Rent Or Buy? 

Of course, the final decision comes down to your own preferences. However, it is still important to consider the various factors that we have discussed.

Although paint sprayers can be a great way to paint your home, they can be extremely expensive and may not warrant a purchase if you do not own your own business or redecorating service. If you only need a paint sprayer for a day or two, then renting could be the best option.