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Key Points

The SwitchBot Bot is not waterproof or designed to withstand high humidity.

It lacks an Ingress Protection (IP) rating. It’s best used in dry, indoor environments, such as living rooms and bedrooms, and avoided in moist areas like bathrooms or outdoors.

If exposed to water, it should be turned off, batteries removed, dried gently, and left to air dry.

Imagine this: you’ve just set up your new SwitchBot Bot, and it’s working like a charm. But then you start to wonder, “Can I place this in my bathroom to control the water heater or a hot tub? What about a garden or a balcony?”. As a smart home enthusiast, I had these same concerns. 

Turns out, the SwitchBot Bot is not waterproof. While it’s perfectly fine for dry indoor usage, it can’t really withstand direct water. So if you’re wondering about the specifics of the Bot, where to use it, and how to maintain it for years to come, keep reading. 

How Waterproof Is The SwitchBot Bot? 

Is SwitchBot Bot Waterproof

The SwitchBot Bot is not waterproof. It’s designed to work in a dry, indoor environment. However, it may withstand some occasional splashes and moderate humidity, but this can affect its performance. 

Now, I know you might be a bit disappointed. But don’t worry, it still offers a ton of value in a variety of dry conditions. Let’s delve deeper into the best day-to-day use of the SwitchBot Bot.

Detailed Breakdown of SwitchBot Bot’s Water Protection

  1. IP Rating

IP stands for ‘Ingress Protection’, a standard that shows how resistant a device is to both dust and water. This is the rating we all look for to determine what kind of water contact is safe.

To verify whether the SwitchBot Bot is waterproof or can sustain exposure to water, we reached out to the manufacturer directly, and they replied with a resounding no. In fact, even high humidity can damage your Bot in the long run. 

Switchbot Customer Support on SwitchBot Bots Water Protection

Sadly, the SwitchBot Bot has no IP rating. That basically means it hasn’t been officially tested by IP standards, and hence it’s not designed to safeguard against water or dust. 

  1. Safe Operating Conditions: Where The Bot Can and Can’t Be Used

Keeping this lack of water resistance in mind, there are still many areas where you can safely use your SwitchBot Bot. Any dry, indoor environment is your best bet – so places like your living room, bedroom, or home office.

However, areas prone to moisture or humidity, like bathrooms and kitchens, should be a no-go. You should also avoid placing it near open windows where rain could potentially reach it. 

Similarly, don’t use it outdoors in a garden or balcony as exposure to rain could damage the device. Yes, even I was disappointed about not being able to control my hot tub with it.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Safe Areas: Living rooms, bedrooms, hallways, and dry areas in the kitchen (in the pantry or above shelves).
  • Unsafe Areas: Bathrooms, laundry areas, gardens, balconies, pool decks, or near kitchen sinks where splashes can occur.

Remember, the idea is to maximize the lifespan of your device while enjoying its smart features. If you’re mindful of where you’re using it, you’re already halfway there.

What To Do If The Bot Gets Exposed To Water

Did your SwitchBot Bot accidentally take a dip or get splashed? First off, don’t panic. Take a deep breath and try out these steps first.

  1. Disconnect, Power Off, and Remove Batteries
Switchbot Batteries

The first thing you should do is take it out, turn off the device immediately, and disconnect the batteries. This helps prevent any further damage from short circuits.

  1. Dry Off the Exterior: 

Use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe off any visible water from the outside of your SwitchBot Bot. Avoid rubbing aggressively, especially around the button pusher, since this could damage the device.

  1. Do Not Use Heat: 

You might be tempted to use a hairdryer or place it near a heater to speed up the drying process. Don’t. Excessive heat can damage the internal components of the device. However, you can air dry it in front of a cool fan. 

  1. Wait It Out: 
Let the Switchbot bot air dry in a safe

Let the device air dry in a safe, dry place for at least 48 hours. This gives the internal components a chance to dry out. Patience is key here. You can also use the old bag of rice trick; just place the Bot in a container with some uncooked rice grains, as they might help absorb any excess moisture. 

  1. Check for Functionality: 

After you’ve waited a couple of days, power on the device to see if it’s working. If it’s functioning as expected, great! If not, it might be time to contact SwitchBot support.

The best course of action is always prevention. Be mindful of where you install your SwitchBot Bot, and you’ll avoid any potential water damage.

Precautions for Maintaining The Bot’s Water Protection

Maintaining The Bot’s Water Protection

It’s always better to be safe than sorry, right? Here are some tips to help you take care of your device:

  1. Keep It Indoors: While it may seem tempting to use it outdoors or in moisture-prone areas like bathrooms and kitchens, it’s best to resist.
  2. Avoid Humidity: High humidity can be just as damaging as direct water exposure over a long time. If you live in a humid climate, consider placing a dehumidifier in the room where your SwitchBot Bot is placed. Or keep it for dry seasons.
  3. Watch for Coffee Spills: We’ve all seen the Bot being used to control coffee machines and the like. But this puts it directly in harm’s way; a little splash or spill can ruin it. So be careful. 
  4. Clean with Dry Cloths only: Don’t clean the Bot with damp cloths. Use a clean, dry, cotton cloth. 
  5. Inform Everyone: If you’re living with other people, especially with children in the house, you should let them know that the Bot is not a toy. It’s actually pretty delicate, and the button pusher is prone to damage.

By following these simple precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of your SwitchBot Bot without worrying about water damage.


Can the SwitchBot Bot be used outdoors?

No, the SwitchBot Bot is not designed for outdoor use. Since it lacks a waterproof rating, exposure to rain or other weather elements could damage it. Therefore, it’s best to keep your Bot indoors where it’s dry and safe.

Can I use the SwitchBot Bot in a bathroom where it might be exposed to steam?

No, the SwitchBot Bot is not designed for high-humidity environments like bathrooms. Exposure to steam can be just as damaging as direct contact with water for the Bot. If you have a very large bathroom with an area that never gets wet, you may consider placing it there, but at your own risk. 

Is water damage covered by SwitchBot’s warranty? 

No, SwitchBot’s warranty does not cover water damage. It’s important to remember that water damage is often considered a user-induced fault, and the Bot is not designed to be water-resistant. Water damage to your Bot falls outside conditions of ‘normal use’, which means such damage is not going to be covered by a warranty.


So, the bottom line is this: The SwitchBot Bot is a handy device for automating your home, but it’s not waterproof. It’s best to use this smart device in dry areas and avoid exposure to water or high humidity. 

If it does get wet, remember to unplug it, remove the batteries, and gently dry it off. A few simple precautions can help lengthen the lifespan of your Bot, as well as your smart home. For now, we’ll wait for SwitchBot to come out with a new waterproof model.