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Knowing how to remove the Ring face­plate is key if you want to keep your device in good working condition.

That said, you may want to remove it in case it gets damaged, most likely due to bad weather. You might also want to swap it out with another color, or perhaps you just want to take out the doorbell battery for recharging.

Whatever the reason, removing the Ring faceplate is fairly simple and easy. As long as you have the right screwdriver, you’ll be able to do it with no problem!

Key Points

  • Removing the cover is relatively simple if you have the necessary equipment.
  • Simply unscrew the security screw at the bottom of the faceplate with a star-shaped screwdriver.
  • Push the bottom of the faceplate up with your thumbs until it snaps free.
  • Finally, gently remove the faceplate with your hands.

How to Remove Ring Doorbell Cover: What You Need

Remove Ring Doorbell Cover

When you first received your Ring Doorbell, you might have noticed a strange star-shaped bit (T6/T15 Torx) screwdriver in the package. If you have never known what it was for, then now is the best time to take it out. Yes, that’s right; you will need it to perform this task!

If your original Ring screwdriver happens to get lost, you can actually buy another one online from either Amazon or the Ring website. While it is possible that you may still use another screwdriver of this type, we strongly suggest you purchase a new one to avoid damaging the device in case you get sloppy.

Other than that, there aren’t many requirements for removing a Ring Doorbell faceplate. You will not have to mess with any wires or electronics. Of course, if you are replacing the faceplate or battery with new ones, you’ll need the replacements.

Removing Ring Doorbell Cover: In 5 Easy Steps

Removing Ring Doorbell Cover

Since all the tools you need are provided inside the original product packaging, here is a simple step-by-step guide to remove your Ring Doorbell faceplate:

Step 1: Loosen the Security Screw

In order to take off the faceplate, the first ste­p is unscrewing the safety scre­w at the bottom of the Ring Doorbell faceplate. To do this, insert the tip of the star-shaped bit screwdriver into the security screw and spin it anticlockwise. Keep doing this until the screw is completely out.

Remove the screw and put it aside in a safe place where you can easily access it later on. After that, move on to the next step.

Note: While you won’t need any tools for the next steps, the whole mechanism used has been designed to make the cover challenging to remove. The reason behind this is pretty logical; it is to make it difficult for burglars to interfere with the device.

Step 2: Push the Faceplate Up From the Bottom

Now, place the tips of your index and middle fingers on the front and thumbs on the bottom of the faceplate to support it. Use your thumbs to push the bottom of the faceplate upward until it snaps free.

Don’t be afraid of putting a little pressure on it. However, this should not be very hard, so you won’t even need too much effort.

In case you find that using only your thumbs is not enough to pry open the cover, try something flat and thin like a butter knife instead. Just be careful not to use anything too big or sharp, as this may cause damage to the cover.

Step 3: Remove the Faceplate

With your index and middle fingers still supporting the cover from falling, use your hand to remove the faceplate from the body. This will expose the inside of the Ring Doorbell.

We advise you to do this process quite slowly and take your time, especially if this is your first time trying. This should be a totally fluid motion; once you remove the faceplate, be careful not to let it fall. Set it aside somewhere safe so it doesn’t break.

Note: Since removing the faceplate exposes the inside of the Ring Doorbell, ensure you are doing this when the weather is nice. Adverse conditions such as heavy rain may damage the inner components of the device.

Step 4: Return or Place a New Faceplate

Take the faceplate you want to put back on and locate the plastic hook on the inner side at the top of the cover. Now align this plastic hook and put it into the corresponding hole on the body of the doorbell.

Make sure you are holding the cover at approximately 45 degrees, and then snap the bottom of the faceplate until it clicks into place.

Step 5: Reinsert the Security Screw

Take the security screw that you removed at the beginning, and place it into its corresponding hole at the bottom of the faceplate. Again, use the star-shaped screwdriver that came with your device to reinsert the security screw.

Insert the tip of the star-shaped bit screwdriver into the security screw, apply slight pressure, and then turn it clockwise until it is all the way tight. Do not make it too tight, as the cover may crack under pressure.

Why Remove It?

Sure, Ring ensured it made the faceplate removable, but why remove it in the first place? There are two main reasons why users tend to remove their Ring Doorbell cover:

1. Replacing the Battery

How to Replace Ring Doorbell Battery

Well, for starters, Ring Doorbells operate on rechargeable batteries. Their batteries can last up to a year on a single charge, but you will need to recharge them eventually. So, most people remove the faceplate only to charge their battery.

If you are to recharge the battery, the process is relatively straightforward, especially now that you know how to remove the faceplate. Once you remove the Ring faceplate, you’ll notice a black, quick-release tab with a rectangular shape.

Press lightly on the tab using your index finge­r and then carefully slide the­ battery out of its compartment. After charging the battery, you should put it back in as soon as you can and cover the base with the faceplate.

2. Changing the Faceplate

Even equally important, every Ring Doorbell comes with an additional black cover, and you may prefer to use that instead of the default metallic cover. There are also several other colored faceplates for the Ring Doorbell, and they are all interchangeable.

Another reason you may choose to remove the covering of the doorbell is because it is cracked and chipped away.

All in all, if you are simply replacing the faceplate, don’t worry—you can remove and replace them in the same manner.

Helpful Tips When Removing Ring Doorbell Cover

Even though everything has been good so far, it would help to have these valuable tips and tricks at the tips of your hands:

1. Avoid Third-Party Tools

As we mentioned earlier, you shouldn’t try using a third-party screwdriver to remove the security screw from the Ring Doorbell faceplate. While it may be tempting sometimes, you could end up damaging the screw to the extent that not even the star-shaped screwdriver will be able to unscrew it.

However, during some unavoidable circumstances, you may use a security torx bit (a T6/T15 torx-head screwdriver) that fits the screws on your doorbell model. You can check your Ring Doorbell user manual for the correct size needed.

2. Turn Off the Ring Doorbell Beforehand

Before you remove the faceplate from the Ring Doorbell, it is advisable to power off the device to avoid any electrical damage or mishaps. You can temporarily turn off the Ring Doorbell in the app.

To do this, open your Ring App, click the three bars on the top left of the screen, and tap Settings.

Turn Off the Ring Doorbell Beforehand

From there, click “Enable Modes,” and you’ll see “Disarmed Mode.” Click on that.

Disarmed Mode

Select the specific doorbell you want to disarm, and then toggle on “Motion Detection” and “Live View” to temporarily power down your Ring device.

Motion Detection and Live View

3. Use Silicone Skins Instead

If those faceplates aren’t your style and you want to change the look of your Ring Doorbell, you might want to pick up silicone skins or wraps. These covers help create a finish that matches your front door and protects the doorbell from the elements. They will save you the hassle of having to remove the faceplate every time something damages it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Remove the Faceplate Without the Ring Tools?

The company recommends using the special star-shaped screwdriver included in the package to properly remove the security screw. Usually, the included tools are specialized for Ring Doorbells to prevent burglars from stealing your device. If the company used regular Phillips head screwdrivers, anyone could take it.
The size of the security screw on most Ring Doorbells is a T6 Torx, with some of the older models being a T15 Torx. So, if you happen to lose your original Ring screwdriver, you can actually get a replacement from Amazon or the Ring website.

What Can I Use Instead of a Ring Screwdriver?

If you are careful, you may use a security torx-head screwdriver that fits the screws on your doorbell model. This is star-shaped, and you should be able to get it from your local hardware store. You can check your Ring Doorbell user manual for the correct size you need. 

How Do You Remove a Stripped Ring Faceplate Screw?

The best way to remove a stripped Ring faceplate screw is by using needle-nose pliers. Their narrow grip can clamp onto the remaining screw head, allowing you to twist it out. If pliers aren’t around or aren’t doing the job, try wedging a rubber band between the screwdriver and the screw head.
The rubber adds friction, giving you more grip to loosen the screw. If the screw does not come out, and you have no other means of removing it, consider contacting the Ring support team to help further.

How Do You Take the Ring Doorbell Cover Off to Charge?

When it is time to recharge­ your Ring Doorbell, use the provide­d screwdriver to remove­ security screws at the base of the device. After unscrewing them, place the tips of your index and middle fingers on the front plate while sliding up the faceplate with both thumbs.
Now remove the­ battery by pressing the quick-re­lease tab using your index finge­r and then
sliding the­ battery out from its compartment. You can now charge the battery, and once it is full, simply slide it back into the compartment, ensuring you align it correctly.

Bottom Line

Removing the Ring Doorbell cover probably sounds more complicated than it really is. The truth is that Ring made this process simpler by including the tools you need in the package with your purchase. Simply follow our step-by-step instructions to do it the right way.

Remember that if your Ring device is under warranty, don’t hesitate to contact Ring support to replace any damaged parts. Most of the time, the replacement will come for free.